The representative offices of Vietnam in foreign countries should continue prioritising matters that serve Vietnam’s sustainable development and raise the country’s profile within the world arena.


Politburo member, Secretary of Party Central Committee (PCC) and Head of the PCC’s Commission for Mass Mobilisation, Truong Thi Mai made the request during her meeting with the ambassadors and heads of Vietnamese diplomatic missions abroad for the 2017-2020 tenure, in Hanoi on May 25.

Addressing the meeting, Politburo member Mai asked the diplomats to continue to thoroughly grasp and seriously implement the Resolution of the 12th National Party Congress, particularly the work of mass mobilisation, national unity and people-to-people diplomacy.

The Politburo member believed that the ambassadors and heads of Vietnamese diplomatic missions abroad would serve as a bridge, effectively conveying the Party’s guidelines, State’s policies and laws on external activities to the Vietnamese people overseas.

She also expressed her hope that the diplomats would actively contribute to promoting investment, cultural and tourism co-operation, and diplomatic relations between Vietnam and their host countries.

The Politburo member also noted that the ambassadors and heads of Vietnamese diplomatic missions abroad would create favourable condition for overseas Vietnamese people to visit the fatherland as well as develop their business activities in the homeland, significantly contributing to the cause of national construction and defence.

Nhan Dan