The Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee (CPVCC)’s Inspection Commission has proposed imposing the highest disciplinary measure against Dinh La Thang, member of the CPVCC and Vice Chairman of the CPVCC’s Commission for Economic Affairs.

The CPVCC's Inspection Commission has proposed imposing the highest disciplinary measure against Dinh La Thang

At its 24th meeting in Hanoi on April 23, chaired by Politburo member and chairman of the commission Tran Quoc Vuong, the CPVCC’s Inspection Commission proposed the Politburo and the CPVCC impose the highest disciplinary measure based on the CPVCC’s Regulation No. 30-QD/TW on the Party’s examination, supervision and discipline, the Politburo’s Regulation No. 102-QD/TW on handling Party members with violations, and the Hanoi People’s Court’s verdicts against Dinh La Thang.

Earlier, the Politburo had suspended Thang’s Party-related activities and his role as Vice Chairman of the CPVCC’s Commission for Economic Affairs.

Also at the meeting, the CPVCC’s Inspection Commission also considered penalties against Phan Thi My Thanh, Deputy Secretary of the provincial Party Committee and head of the National Assembly deputies’ delegation of Dong Nai province, and Dinh Quoc Thai, Deputy Secretary of the provincial Party Committee, Secretary of the Civil Affairs Commitee and Chairman of the People’s Committee of Dong Nai province.

The Inspection Commission concluded that Phan Thi My Thanh’s violations and shortcomings were very serious, caused discontent among officials, Party members and people, and negatively affected the prestige of the local Party organisation and herself. It asked the CPVCC’s Secretariat to consider a disciplinary measure against Phan Thi My Thanh.

Meanwhile, Dinh Quoc Thai had seriously reviewed himself, straightforwardly accepted responsibility for violations and shortcomings, and voluntarily accepted punishment. It decided to issue a reprimand as the penalty against Thai.

The commission also discussed a disciplinary penalty against Lt Col. Nguyen Ngoc Dung, an officer of the investigation police agency of the provincial Binh Dinh Department of Public Security. Dung is former member of the Party Committee, former Deputy Secretary of the Party Cell, and former head of the investigation team of the investigation police agency of Kon Plong district’s public security division in Kon Tum province.

According to the Inspection Commission, while serving as head of the investigation team in Kon Plong district, Dung had lacked responsibility in complying with the Party’s regulations and the State’s law on crime prevention and control. He had not fully carried out the assigned responsibility and tasks and violated legal regulations on investigation activities when he was assigned to be in charge of probing into an illegal deforestation case in the Mang La afforestation yards in Kon Plong district.

Dung’s violations were serious and negatively affected the prestige of the local Party organisation, the public security agency and himself. The commission decided to impose a warning as the penalty against him.-VNA