Personnel preparations for the 12th Party Central Committee have been made in a strict and thorough manner right from the grassroots level, Director of the Vietnam Academy of Defence Vo Tien Trung has told the media on the sidelines of the ongoing 12th National Party Congress.


Director of the Vietnam Academy of Defence Vo Tien Trung.

Commenting on the number of Party Central Committee members, Trung said the committee groups 200 members, the same figure from the past tenure. However, the number of official ones rises to 180 from 175 in the previous tenure and the number of alternate members is down to 20 from the previous 25.

According to him, the increase of official Party Central Committee members is intended to cope with the many tasks of the Party Central Committee. In addition, new bodies have been set up such as the Economic and Internal Affairs Commissions, which also require more officials.

Trung noted a new point that for the first time, the Party Central Committee has outlined a strategic personnel plan to foster officials for future tenures. Six strategic-level personnel training courses have been held at the Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics, making it easier for personnel rotation and training.

Candidates for the 12th Party Central Committee were nominated by the 11 th Party Central Committee, and then had to go through many rounds of voting from the grassroots level up to the Politburo.

Asked about criteria for the 12th Party Central Committee’s members, the official particularly emphasized the resolve of the Politburo and the 11th Party Central Committee to prevent opportunist persons, those who do not behave ethically and leaders of units where serious law violations occur, to enter the new Party Central Committee.

He expressed his belief that the Congress will choose the right leadership who could steer the country on its way ahead.

The official also noted that election regulations at the congress uphold the principle of centralized democracy, under which delegates can nominate themselves or others as candidates for the Committee. When a nominee wants to step down from the nomination list, it will also be decided by the Congress.

Party Congress: Mechanisms for agricultural development a key issue

Delegates to the 12th National Party Congress have called for stronger agricultural restructuring and more investment in promoting scientific-technological application in the sector alongside the programme on building new-style rural areas.

Delegate Nguyen Tan Tuan from Khanh Hoa province said it is not sufficient to build infrastructure facilities such as electricity, roads and schools, stressing that farmers’ income must be improved. He voiced approval of the congress’s draft documents which address rural economic development and new mechanism to increase added value for agricultural production, thus raising rural residents’ livelihoods. This is the key factor in building new-style rural areas in the current period, he said.

According to delegate Do Dinh Viet from Vinh Phuc province, the most important task is to promote industrialization and modernization of agricultural production towards hi-tech and large-scale production, in order to enhance domestic products’ competitive capacity in both the domestic and international markets.

He particularly laid emphasis on the application of science and technology into production and the linkage between farmers and businesses and scientists, which he said are the key to restructure agriculture. In addition, the delegate suggested land accumulation to build the foundation for the sector’s restructuring.

Delegate Nguyen Minh Hung from Hai Duong province particularly appreciated the issues raised in Congress documents regarding how to improve the spiritual and material life for rural residents. He cited the specific targets set to 2020 on treating waste, saying that the move will greatly increase life quality for the people.

Delegate Nguyen Van Dua from Cao Bang said the biggest difficulty for the agricultural sector is the undeveloped production capacity. He called for more investment in production infrastructure of the sector. Ministries and local authorities should also build linkages among regions and look to find markets for farm produce.

As a representative of a key agricultural province, delegate Nguyen Van Cong from Dong Thap province expressed his wish that the Party Central Committee will issue policies to encourage large-scale production and investment into agriculture, while facilitate the development of agricultural cooperatives.

Another delegate from the Mekong Delta, Secretary of Vinh Long provincial Party Committee Tran Van Ron said agricultural development, farmers and rural areas are among the key contents of documents at the 12th Party National Congress. The issues attract great interest from people in the Mekong Delta, he said.-

Party Congress delegates support policy on equal business playground

Delegates to the 12th National Party Congress have expressed support of draft congress documents which recognise the private sector as an important driving force of the economy and urge creating all possible favourable conditions for private enterprises with a view to enhancing the economy’s competitive capacity.

Speaking to the press on the Congress sidelines, delegate Nguyen Tan Tuan from Khanh Hoa Province said this new point, compared to documents of the previous Congress, will promote the private sector’s contribution to the national economy. He called for State policies to create an equal playground for all types of businesses.

Sharing this view, delegate Nghiem Xuan Thanh from the Party Organisation of Centrally-run Enterprises emphasised that one of the key factors for economic development is the private sector. He said the document content on the private sector matches the current situation in the country.

Delegate Nguyen Minh Hung from Hai Duong Province said it is a sound decision to shift focus onto the private sector, which has great potential. During the 30-year Doi Moi process, the private sector has proved its important position, which prompted the Party and State to push the equitisation of State-owned enterprises, he said.

For the development of the private sector, the first thing to do is to adjust policies and mechanisms to afford the sector the same conditions as other economic sectors to grow, he said.

In the opinion of delegate Nguyen Thanh Ngoc from Tay Ninh Province, while the content on private sector is a step further in clarifying the orientations set by the previous Congresses, more detailed and consistent policies should be promulgated in the time ahead.

He proposed offering various preferential mechanisms, among which each economic sector can select the most suitable one and define their development direction accordingly. Economic policies and mechanisms should be updated constantly to keep up with the latest development of each type of businesses, he said.

Ngoc also stressed the importance of information provided by official channels to enterprises, particularly in the context of international integration.-

Press release on fourth working day of Party Congress

The 12th National Party Congress discussed personnel work at its fourth working day in Hanoi on January 24.

In the morning, delegates discussed the criteria for the 12th Party Central Committee members and the structure of the committee.

They also studied a list of nominations for members of the 12th Party Central Committee prepared by the 11th tenure’s committee (both official and alternate), and later proposed additional candidates outside the list.

After that, the personnel subcommittee collected candidacy and nomination reports from delegations attending the event.

The Congress’s Secretariat asked delegates to prepare issues in the 12th Congress’s documents that need to be voted on.

In the afternoon, the Presidium sent a general report on personnel candidacy and nominations to delegations.

Delegates withdrew their candidacy and nomination proposals or their names from the nomination list.

Heads of delegations reported to the Presidium about the list of withdrawal.