Phan Dinh Trac, a member of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee (CPVCC), was named head of the CPVCC’s Commission for Internal Affairs under a decision by the Politburo.


Pham Minh Chinh, head of the CPVCC’s Commission for Organisation, announced Decision No. 22-QDNS/TW dated February 26 on the appointment at a conference in Hanoi on February 29.

The decision was handed over to Trac, who was standing deputy head of the Commission for Internal Affairs, by Dinh The Huynh, permanent member of the CPVCC’s Secretariat.

Huynh expressed his hope that Trac will optimise his capacity and experience to work with the commission’s staff and fulfill tasks assigned by the Party, contributing to the realisation of the 12th National Party Congress’s Resolution.