The Phong Nha-Ke Bang Tourism Centre has just announced to close several tourist points in the site to ensure safety for visitors amid rising floods in the area.



Water lever at many rivers in Quang Binh Province are rising due to torrential downpours

The centre's director, Le Thanh Loi, announced that they will temporarily stop receiving tourists at Phong Nha, Tien Son caves, Chay River, Toi Cave, and Nuoc Mooc Spring.

The management board of Thien Duong Cave has also announced to stop receiving visitors due to torrential rains and floods.



Thien Duong Cave has also been closed to ensure safety for tourists due to rising floods in the area

There will be further announcements when these caves are opened again.

Heavy rains and floods triggered by the Typhoon Son Tinh have occurred in many areas in the central and northern regions over the past few days, causing 19 deaths, 17 injures and 11 missing as of July 22.
