A photo exhibition on the formation and growth of HCM City over the past 320 years has opened at the Nguyễn Huệ Pedestrian Street in District 1.


The 2017 HCM City-Gyeongju World Culture Expo was one of the city’s outstanding cultural exchange events in recent years. — Photo courtesy of the organiser

Sài Gòn - Thành Phố Hồ Chí Minh: Khát Vọng Vươn Cao (Sài Gòn – HCM City: Aspiration for Development) has 130 black-and-white and colour photos.

It divides into two parts of formation of Sài Gòn and developing HCM City into a civilised, modern and humane city with a high quality of life.

The first half contains 60 documentary photos on the evolution of Gia Định-Sài Gòn between 1698 and 1975.

In 1698, Marquis Nguyễn Hữu Cảnh (1650-1700) was sent by the Nguyễn rulers to the south to establish Gia Định.

He later urged people from the central region to settle in Gia Định, and ordered the construction of roads, canals and markets

A photo of a statue of Marquis Nguyễn Hữu Cảnh, who was sent to the south to establish the Gia Định region in 1698. — Photo courtesy of the organiser

The exhibits include administrative documents on the formation of Gia Định and photos related to the life of people and their educational and cultural activities in the 19th and 20th centuries.

There are old pictures of Chợ Lớn, one of the biggest markets in the south, and Sài Gòn Port where vessels from provinces and other countries came with goods for trading.

There are photos of famous ceramic production centres in the south like Lái Thiêu in Bình Dương Province, Biên Hòa in Đồng Nai Province and Cây Mai and Sài Gòn in HCM City between the 19th century and the first half of the 20th century.

The photos also feature soldiers and residents of the southern region during the resistance war that liberated the country in 1975.

In 1976, Sài Gòn was named after President Hồ Chí Minh and became HCM City.

Photos showing the city’s economic, social, healthcare, cultural and tourism achievements are also on show.

There are also photos of recent events such as the HCM City-Gyeongju World Culture Expo in 2017 and the city’s annual International Tourism Expo and those showing the application of technology in healthcare and agriculture. 

Chợ Lớn (above) and Sài Gòn Port. — Photo courtesy of the organiser

Nguyễn Thu Thào, a student at the HCM City University of Architecture, said: “I was born in Bình Dương Province and came to HCM City for university education. So I do not have much knowledge of the city.

“The exhibition helps me learn more about the city’s history and development. It makes me love it more.”

Another exhibition, this one along nearby Đồng Khởi Street, Sài Gòn Xưa – Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh Hôm Nay (Old Sài Gòn – HCM City Today), displays photos of old and recent architectural works, streets and bridges.

Both exhibitions are organised by the city Department of Culture and Sports to celebrate the 320th founding anniversary of HCM City.

According to the organiser, the exhibitions reflect the history of HCM City since 1698, and highlight the role of its people in rebuilding it after liberation and their contributions to its great economic, cultural and social achievements.

Both exhibitions end on January 8. — VNS