An athlete running through O Quan Chuong, one of Hà Nội's heritage sites. VNS Photo Ho Hoang


The VPBank Hanoi Marathon-Run&Share contest was launched yesterday ahead of the capital city’s marathon later this month.

The idea is for photographers to take pictures of athletes running near Hanoi’s heritage sites such as Hoan Kiem Lake, Long Bien Bridge and the Van Mieu-Quoc Tu Giam (Temple of Literature-First National University).

Winning images will take a share of the VND100 million (US$ 4,300) prize fund.

Competition organiser Tran Tuan Viet said: “The marathon is not just about crossing the finishing line but also about spreading Hanoi’s beautiful historical and cultural values to the community.”

VPBank has also pledged to pay VND5,000 to the Bring a Pupil to School programme for every kilometre covered during the race, and for each photograph submitted to the competition.

For more information about the competition click here and picture entries can be sent to vpbankhanoimarathon@gmail.com.

The VPBank Hanoi Marathon 2019 takes place on October 20.