Thousands of migrants in Hanoi and HCM City left for home for the lunar new year on February 5 afternoon, causing serious traffic jams at coach stations and exit routes from the city.

People left Hanoi for Tet at the end of the final working day on February 5


Some streets leading to the suburbs became extremely crowded

Traffic jams extended for more than a kilometre on Giai Phong Street on the late afternoon of February 5

Thousands of vehicles stood still for hours on Giai Phong Street


Many people with heavy loads of Tet goods were exhausted heading on their way home.


Long lines queues at Giap Bat Station in the south of Hanoi. Many people said that they have been waiting for several hours yet were unable to get a coach ticket


Public buses arrived late due to congestion

Children also experienced a tiring wait in the cold weather

Long lines of coaches left Giap Bat Station


Thousands of vehicles moved slowly on National Road 1A in HCM City's Binh Chanh District at 5pm yesterday

Tired faces

Serious traffic jams at 8pm on Dinh Bo Linh Strreet which leads to Mien Dong Coach Station

Thousands of vehicles on Xo Viet Nghe Tinh Street
