Many people in Phu Yen Province are flocking to the Song Hinh hydro-power reservoir to dig for black stones which are being sold for millions of VND per kilo.



Searching for black stones

Tran Thi Bong, a local in Ea Bia Commune, Song Hinh District, said, "People already dug for black stones over a year ago. Traders used to buy a kilo of stones for VND50,000 (USD2) so we went along the streams to find black stones. Over a month ago, the price suddenly surged to several millions of VND so everyone is going out to find stones."

According to Bong, they often sell stones to traders of Tuy Hoa City. No one knows what the stones are for but everyone is happy that they can earn money. A kilo of three big stones is sold for VND3m (USD128). The smaller stones are sold for VND1m for a kilo of eight stones and the smallest ones are sold for VND300,000 to VND400,000.



A kilo of black stones can be sold for millions of VND

H'Ly said they often searched for lands with white soil on top which will surely have black stones underneath. Some people find the stones quickly while others have to dig a deep hole. Nam, another local in Song Hinh District, said when there were only a few diggers, he could find 5kg of black stones and earned over VND5m (USD213).

Ksor Y Phun, vice chairman of Song Hinh District said the trading of black stones had existed previously at a much smaller scale. But now the locals are spreading out at various spots to search for the stones. Phun said they would ask related agencies to investigate what the stone would be used for.

Locality authorities were asked to persuade the locals to go home.

"If the situation worsens, we'll have a plan to clear people out of the reservoir area," Phun said.
