PM Nguyen Xuan Phuc has signed Decision 213/QD-TTg approving a plan to accelerate bilateral trade and investment ties between Vietnam and its strategic and key partners.


The above partners include China, Japan, the Republic of Korea, India, Indonesia, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, the Philippines, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, the Russian Federation, the UK, the US.

These partners account for nearly 50% of Vietnam’s export values.

The plan aims to diversify export markets, sharpen competitiveness and improve awareness of Vietnamese enterprises on international integration.

Specifically, the Government expects the plan would give a boost to reforming administrative procedures, improving business environment, and perfecting the socialist-oriented market economy institutions.

The plan figures out solutions to strengthen trade and economic cooperation with strategic and key partners, including market access, support for local enterprises, and facilitation of inbound investment inflows among others.