Restricting private vehicles is a must to reduce traffic congestion and air pollution in HCMC, said the director of the city’s Department of Transport at a recent meeting on the city’s socio-economic performance in the first four months of 2017.


Bui Xuan Cuong said the department would send the HCMC People's Committee plans and specific roadmaps to restrict private motorcycles and automobiles in the city.

The department is working with relevant agencies to research and map out plans to reduce traffic congestion. Transport experts and scientists will join forces to evaluate and adjust the plans before seeking public comment.

"Restricting private vehicles is an urgent task since the development of the city's transport infrastructure cannot meet the fast growth of private vehicles, causing not only traffic congestion but also environmental pollution,” he added.

Data as of April 15, 2017 showed the city had had about eight million vehicles, 640,000 of them autos and the remainder motorcycles. In addition, the city has some 169 autos and 816 motorcycles newly registered a day.

According to the plan to reduce environmental pollution by 2020, the city has to cut 70% of emissions from vehicles. Therefore, controls on private vehicle growth will help reduce not only congestion but also environmental pollution.

Speaking about the recent traffic congestion situation, Cuong said there are 120 construction site fencing hoardings in the city at the moment. To construct Metro Line No.1, the number of such hoardings will even increase in the coming time.