Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc said Vietnam wants German investors to invest more in the country, particularly in the sectors of Germany’s strength, such as hi-tech manufacturing, renewable energy, infrastructure, and logistics.

PM Nguyen Xuan Phuc (R) and German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier

The PM made the statement during his reception for visiting German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier in Hanoi on October 31.

Germany has continuously been one of the most important partners of Vietnam in Europe, Phuc said, hoping for the further development of the two countries’ friendship and cooperation.

He expressed his delight at the strong development of the Vietnam - Germany strategic partnership in many areas, particularly in politics, economics, education-training, science –technology and justice.

He suggested the two nations increase delegation exchanges and contacts at levels, support each other at multilateral forums, thus contributing to building political trust and creating impetus for cooperation.

The Government of Vietnam is taking numerous measures to facilitate foreign investors, including those from Germany, Phuc said.

He thanked the Government of Germany for maintaining ODA provision for Vietnam, saying that Vietnam wants to continue working closely with the European country in implementing effectively the cooperation projects and realising the Millennium Development and Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations.

The PM stated that the Vietnamese Government backs the two countries’ efforts in enhancing their affiliation in education-training through the construction and development of Vietnam-Germany University, vocational training, cooperation between their universities and research institutes and German language teaching in Vietnam. 

For his part, Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier said 300 German businesses are operating in Vietnam, noting that Germany is encouraging more firms to invest in the country as the number remains modest. 

The guest said during his visit to Vietnam, he is due to attend the roofing ceremony of German House in Ho Chi Minh City which is expected to help increase Germany’s presence in the country. 

The minister shared the view that it’s time for the two countries to set up a joint chamber of commerce and industry. 

The German Government will maintain its official development assistance (ODA) to Vietnam, especially in vocational training and environmental protection, he said. 

He voiced his hope that there will be more Vietnamese knowing German language. 

German businesses have paid due heed to the Metro Line No. 2 in Ho Chi Minh City and stand ready to join hands in the construction, he said, saying he hopes that the German Development Bank (KfW) will promptly seek solutions to arranging capital for the project.

Vietnam-Germany strategic partnership grows dynamically: diplomats

The Vietnam – Germany strategic partnership has been developing in a dynamic and effective fashion, their top diplomats – Pham Binh Minh and Frank-Walter Steinmeier – noted during talks in Hanoi on October 31. 

Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh said Vietnam always treasures the friendship and cooperation with Germany. He considered the official visit by the German Federal Foreign Minister, from October 30 to November 1, a contributor to the bilateral relationship intensification, especially amidst the fifth founding anniversary of their strategic partnership. 

Congratulating Vietnam on its achievements in socio-economic development and international integration, Frank-Walter Steinmeier said the Germany Government wants to bolster cooperation with Vietnam in all spheres. He highly valued the country’s growing role and stature in the Southeast Asian region. 

The officials agreed that Vietnam and Germany will increase delegation exchanges at all levels, especially high-ranking level, continue to effectively implement the meeting mechanism of the two foreign ministries’ strategic management group, and further coordinate to carry out the Vietnam-Germany action plan. 

Both sides also agreed to encourage and facilitate bilateral trade and Germany’s investment in Vietnam, particularly in manufacturing, high technology, clean and renewable energy, infrastructure, and finance-banking. 

They will promote the official signing of the EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement, thereby creating a framework for stronger trade and investment partnerships between the two nations to raise their trade to the targeted 20 billion USD by 2020. 

The two sides expressed their delight at the fruitful cooperation in education-training. They agreed to enhance collaboration in vocational training and build some vocational training centres meeting Germany’s standards in order to help Vietnam with development and international integration. 

At the talks, Minh acknowledged the German Government’s ODA provision, which has supported his country during socio-economic development. He asked the EU nation to continue its assistance in the fields Vietnam prioritises and Germany is strong, such as infrastructure building, clean and renewable energy, environmental protection, and climate change response. 

The countries will continue coordinating closely and supporting each other at multilateral forums and international organisations, including Germany’s advocacy of the reinforcement of Vietnam’s cooperation with the EU, they said. 

Regarding some regional and international affairs, the two sides raised concerns about recent complex developments in the East Sea, underlining the dispute settlement through peaceful measures, with full respect to diplomatic and legal processes on the basis of international law, particularly the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. 

During his visit, the German Foreign Minister met with Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc and, together with Minister of Planning and Investment Nguyen Chi Dung, co-chaired a roundtable conference on measures to boost the countries’ investment and business partnerships.