PM Nguyen Tan Dung on Sunday attended the ASEAN Summits with Japan, the Republic of Korea and the United Nations.


At the ASEAN-Japan Summit, leaders spoke highly of the outcomes in the implementation of the Vision Statement on ASEAN Friendship and Cooperation which was adopted in 2013.

Japan is the third biggest trade partner of ASEAN with the two-way trade value reaching US$299 billion in 2014. It is also the second biggest investor of the bloc with pledged capital of US$23.4 billion.

Both sides committed to continuing efforts to double trade and invest volume by 20202, giving high priority to connectivity, regional integration, gap development narrowing, and sub-Mekong region cooperation.

The two sides also vowed to fight terrorism and transnational crime and intensify cooperation in energy, disaster management and mitigation, healthcare, information technology, and student exchanges.

At the ASEAN-Republic of Korea Summit, leaders recognized the outcomes in the implementation of the Action program for the period 2011-2015, welcoming the adoption of the Action program for the next five years.

The Republic of Korea is the fifth biggest trade partner since 2010 and the sixth biggest investor of ASEAN. Both sides pledged to raise the two way-trade value to US$200 billion by 2020.

ASEAN and the Republic of Korea also vowed to foster cooperation in climate change mitigation, sustainable forest management, infrastructure connectivity, information and communication technology, development gap narrowing.

During the ASEAN-United Nations Summit, the leaders welcomed the adoption of the agenda 2030 on sustainable development.

They also stressed on the importance of mutual support between ASEAN and the United Nations, pledging to consolidate and expand cooperation in ensuring peace, security and prosperity in Southeast Asia.

Viet Nam asks partners to make more contributions to maintaining peace, stability in East Sea

Speaking at the summits, PM Dung welcomed the substantial and effective developments in the relations between ASEAN and partners in various fields.

The Vietnamese Government chief emphasized the vital importance of maintaining peace, security and stability in the context of increasingly complicated challenges.

The large-scale construction and the risk of militarization in the East Sea have sparked deep concerns among the international community, intensified tensions, eroded confidence, and threatened peace and stability in the East Sea, he said.

PM Dung urged ASEAN partners to make more contributions to the maintenance of peace, stability, security, safety and freedom of navigation and aviation, backing ASEAN’s position on accelerating the settlement of disputes through peaceful measures, including the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, avoiding the use or threat to use force as well as militarization in the East Sea in order to build trust, ease tensions and prevent conflicts.

Parties involved must seriously pursue the full and effective implementation of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea and work toward the conclusion of a more biding Code of Conduct in the East Sea.