Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc has asked the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) to work closely with and support Vietnam to effectively cope with climate change. 

Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc (R) meets with IPCC Chairman Hoesung Lee in Hanoi on October 24

Greeting IPCC Chairman Hoesung Lee in Hanoi on October 24, he spoke highly of the cooperation between the IPCC, which is under the World Meteorological Organisation, and Vietnam’s Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, especially amid heavy climate change impacts on the country at present. 

Climate change is happening at a fast pace in Vietnam, he said, noting that his country has suffered from the most severe drought and floods in three decades this year, affecting its economic growth and the attainment of socio-economic targets. 

He asked the IPCC to share experience in this field to help promote Vietnam’s capacity in climate change-related research. He suggested the panel help the country’s agencies, universities, institutes and hydro-meteorological centre take part in its research groups, especially those on climate change. 

Vietnam wants the IPCC share climate change response solutions and provide technical and equipment support so that the Southeast Asian nation can assess more precisely climate change impacts, especially flooding, saltwater intrusion and geological changes. 

It also hopes for the IPCC’s close coordination to realise the agreements reached at the 2015 Paris Climate Conference (COP 21), which Vietnam also participated in. 

At the meeting, Hoesung Lee informed his host about the success of a workshop between the IPCC and Vietnam’s Government agencies. He added representatives of the important IPCC bodies came to Vietnam this time, showing the panel’s resolve to cooperate with the nation in dealing with climate change. 

The IPCC is fully aware of the climate change challenges facing Vietnam, and it is implementing climate change research activities around the globe. 

He expressed his belief that Vietnamese scientists will have valuable studies which can help the IPCC fulfil its task, thereby contributing to the effective response to global climate change.

Outgoing coordinator asked to keep supporting UN-Vietnam ties

Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc met with outgoing United Nations Resident Coordinator in Vietnam Pratibha Mehta on October 24, asking her to continue supporting relationships between the UN and his country on her new posts. 

He said that Vietnam not only treasures but also wants to reinforce the growing cooperation with UN organisations which are among top partners of the country. It highly values the UN’s role, especially in keeping and promoting peace in the region and around the world. 

The UN has played an important role in responding to climate change, migration crisis, epidemics, environmental pollution and disasters, he noted. 

Rejoicing at the sound development of Vietnam-UN relations in all aspects, PM Phuc said the Vietnamese Government and people appreciate the UN’s assistance during the national development. 

He also thanked Pratibha Mehta for her responsible and effective efforts in coordinating and implementing the UN’s programmes and projects in Vietnam and in strengthening cooperation between the country and UN organisations. 

For her part, Pratibha Mehta congratulated the Southeast Asian nation on socio-economic achievements and spoke highly of its standing and role in activities of the UN. 

Strides have been made in bilateral cooperation, particularly Vietnam’s participation in the UN peacekeeping missions and successful performance as a member of the UN Human Rights Council in the 2014-2016 tenure and the UN Economic and Social Council in the 2016-2018 tenure, she noted. 

She applauded its efforts in realising the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), as well as in building and preparing to implement the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. 

Vietnam has basically fulfilled the MDGs, especially the one relating to poverty eradication which has helped to improve its stature in the global arena, she said. 

She affirmed that the UN is willing to support and wants to maintain close cooperation with Vietnam to implement the SDGs, achieve the MDGs and successfully implement the 2030 Agenda. 

The UN also wants to soon sign a cooperation plan for the next five years with Vietnam and continue to be a trustworthy and responsible development partner of the country, Pratibha Mehta added. 

She said working in Vietnam in the last five years is an honour to her. She promised to keep supporting the enhancement of the UN-Vietnam relations.

President hosts outgoing Mongolian Ambassador

President Tran Dai Quang received outgoing Mongolian Ambassador to Vietnam Dorj Enkhbat in Hanoi on October 24.

He hailed the Ambassador’s efforts to enhance the two countries’ traditional friendship over the past 20 years.

Both nations have increased high-level delegation exchanges and reached important agreements on economics, trade, defense and security in recent years, he said.

Though the bilateral trade is still modest, its potential is extremely huge, the President said, urging the two sides to boost mutual support at multilateral forms, including of the United Nations.

Vietnam will persuade other members of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum to support Mongolia to get involved in, he said.

He expressed his belief that the Ambassador will continue contributing to the development of the long-standing amity between the two countries in his new position.

Ambassador Dorj Enkhbat thanked the Party, State and Government of Vietnam for supporting him to fulfil his mission during his tenure in Vietnam .

The two countries have seen progresses in bilateral relations in recent times thanks to the top leaders’ exchange activities, thus propelling their political and trade ties forwards, he added.