Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc attended the Green Growth and the Global Goals (P4G) Summit in Copenhagen on October 20, which also drew leaders of 30 Vietnamese enterprises in green energy, trade, investment, and high technology.


Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc addresses the P4G Summit in Copenhagen on October 20 

Addressing the event, themed “Global Leadership for A Sustainable Future,” PM Phuc expressed his belief that promising green growth projects and programmes will be promptly implemented, contributing to strongly promoting the realisation of sustainable development goals to 2030.

He stressed that as one of the founding members of the P4G, Vietnam has announced the national P4G conference co-chaired by the Ministry of Planning and Investment as well as domestic and foreign firms.

The PM noted that in September this year, Vietnam held an international conference on plastic waste and coastal community to seek measures to strengthen law enforcement to reduce plastic waste pollution. He added that the Vietnamese Government has adopted and carried out a number of recommendations made by the business community.

Vietnam highly values efforts of the P4G, especially by the Danish Government, in promoting sustainable development through conducting the green growth strategy and offering financial support to startup partners, with two projects in Vietnam.

He showed hope to continue receiving effective support in building public-private partnership (PPP) projects in green growth, as well as assistance to Vietnam’s national P4G conference in linking, coordinating and increasing cooperation activities in Vietnam in the future.

“Vietnam will join hands with P4G member governments in realising the global green growth goals towards 2030,” PM Phuc underscored, affirming that Vietnam is willing to strengthen cooperation in implementing initiatives reached during the summit, while hastening PPP projects in green growth, especially those in energy saving, renewable energy, agriculture, water resources and smart city development.

Leaders of P4G member countries highlighted the need to respond to climate change and rising sea level, which they said are vital goals and urgent challenges for many countries. They said experience sharing and mutual support are key to overcome challenges of climate change. 

The leaders also pledged to reduce the use of raw material to 2030.

They affirmed commitments to work together in seeking ideas to realise sustainable development goals and the Paris Agreement on climate change through promoting potential PPP in green growth projects.

PM calls for Danish businesses' engagement in Vietnam's policy-making


PM Nguyen Xuan Phuc (centre) at the roundtable with Vietnamese and Danish businesses. 

Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc has called on Danish businesses to be more active in contributing ideas to policy-making in Vietnam, while promoting their role in fostering the partnership between Vietnam and Denmark.

He made the call at a high-level roundtable with Vietnamese and Danish enterprises in the fields of green growth, seaport, logistics and high technology, which was held in Copenhagen on October 20 as part of the PM's ongoing visit to Denmark.

The Vietnamese Government leader briefed the Danish firms on the potential and advantages of Vietnam such as young labour force, rapid IT and telecommunications development, and high GDP growth, as well as the country's intensive international integration as seen in its engagement in 16 new-generation free trade agreements.

He noted that currently Vietnam is hosting more than 130 Danish enterprises, but the figure has yet to meet potential of the Vietnam-Denmark comprehensive partnership.

PM Phuc stressed that the Government of Vietnam encourages and creates optimal conditions for Danish firms to invest in Vietnam, especially in maritime transportation, ship building, renewable energy, green technology, animal breeding, aquaculture, food processing, pharmaceuticals, health care, education and smart city building.

“The Vietnamese Government always accompany you all”, he stated, expressing his hope that Danish investors will bring new technologies that are friendly to the environment to Vietnam.

He pledged to create the best possible conditions in policy to them, adding that the Vietnamese Government will do its best to fulfil its commitments under the new generation free trade agreements towards the standards of the OECD, while maintaining political stability, social order and safety, solving problems in institution, developing supply chains and transaction market, and strengthening transparency and accountability.

The PM asked Danish firms to advocate the EU's early signing and ratification of the Vietnam-EU free trade agreements, and cooperate with Vietnam to effectively implement the deal after it is signed and takes effect.

At the event, Danish businesses introduced achievements in their cooperation and investment in Vietnam, and future trade collaboration projects, while proposing measures to foster partnership between the two business communities.

Both Danish and Vietnamese firms showed their support of the early signing and ratification of the free trade agreement between Vietnam and the EU. Danish investors spoke highly of socio-economic achievements of Vietnam, especially breakthroughs in institutions and policy. They noted that the bilateral trade revenue is rising, while the cooperation between the two business communities is expanding.

They raised questions on different issues such as the equitisation of State-owned enterprises and engagement of foreign firms in the process; water management, especially in smart cities; and the development of renewable energy and wind power.

Danish investors in Vietnam expressed their hope that the PM would directs relevant agencies to cut down inspection time on foreign businesses in the country, thus giving more time for production, while creating more favourable conditions in tax for areas of energy development and other prioritized fields.

PM Phuc and leaders of Vietnam's ministries and sectors clarified that Vietnam is strengthening the equitisation of State-owned enterprises and is willing to sell shares of major enterprises to foreign partners, including those from Denmark, in an open, transparent and win-win manner.

They lauded the recommendations, proposals and ideas of Danish firms investing in Vietnam in wind power, seaport, and high technology, and expressed hope that Danish firms will expand investment activities in Vietnam as the Southeast Asian country is a big and promising market.