Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc attended the ASEAN Leaders’ Gathering in Bali, Indonesia, on October 11.


Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc at the ASEAN Leaders’ Gathering in Bali, Indonesia, on October 11

The PM welcomed Indonesia’s initiative to host the meeting, while stressing that the event is an opportunity for ASEAN leaders and international organisations to share views and discuss regional and global joint actions, as well as cooperation for promoting inclusive, sustainable, creative growth with a focus on effectively implementing UN Sustainable Development Goals 2030.

He said the success of the World Economic Forum (WEF) on ASEAN (WEF ASEAN 2018) recently held in Vietnam showed that ASEAN has advantages and stands ready to receive and make full use of the outcomes from the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

He suggested the UN, the IMF and the WB coordinate with ASEAN and Vietnam to accelerate the implementation of outcomes from the WEF ASEAN, especially the business environment harmony mechanism, the national incubator connectivity framework, and connectivity on education systems and building of life-long learning systems in ASEAN countries.

For Vietnam, PM Phuc held that the country is building a constructive government to serve people and enterprises, while strengthening cooperation and promoting the implementation of plans on ASEAN Community 2025.

On this basis, he emphasised the joint implementation of recommendations, especially the five priority groups in the report between ASEAN Community Vision 2025 and the 2030 UN Agenda on Sustainable Development. 

The PM also highly appreciated support and cooperation from the IMF and the WB for ASEAN in building the Community, as well as assistance from ASEAN member countries in sustainable development, macroeconomic monitoring, policy consulting, training and technical assistance in different areas. 

Facing unpredictable global economic developments, PM Phuc proposed the IMF and the WB cooperate with and give advice to ASEAN countries in building a regional macroeconomic risk warning mechanism so as to improve self-reliance capacity and adaptation of the ASEAN economy. 

They were also urged to continue to support and closely work with the bloc in infrastructure development, early disaster warning and climate change response, narrowing development gaps, especially in digital gap, technology research and application, institutional reform and high-quality human resources training in order to grasp opportunities from the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

The PM expressed his belief that with existing cooperation and determination of the sides, the UN Sustainable Development Goals and Agenda 2030 will be successfully implemented in Southeast Asia and the world.

The ASEAN Leaders’ Gathering, which took place on the sidelines of the annual meetings of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank (WB), also saw the United Nations Secretary General, ASEAN Secretary General and IMF Managing Director and WB President.

On October 12, Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc is scheduled to attend the opening session of the IMF-WB annual meeting as a special guest of the host, and to hold talks with Indonesian President Joko Widodo.

Prime Minister meets Philippine President in Indonesia


Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc (L) and Philippine President Rodrigo Roa Duterte in Bali, Indonesia, on October 11 

Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc and Philippine President Rodrigo Roa Duterte on October 11 agreed to soon finalise the Vietnam-Philippines action plan for 2018-2023 in order to facilitate cooperation in the time to come. 

The consensus was reached during their meeting in Bali, Indonesia, on the fringes of the ASEAN Leaders’ Gathering (ALG) and the annual meeting of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank (WB).

The leaders looked into bilateral collaboration in major areas such as national defence, security, economy, trade, education, energy, and maritime affiliation. 

They consented to coordinating closely with each other to materialise important cooperation mechanisms between the two countries, especially the Joint Commission for Bilateral Cooperation and the Joint Commission on Maritime and Ocean Affairs Cooperation. 

Both highlighted the significance of enhancing cooperation in maritime affairs and creating conditions for fishermen of the two countries to operate legally, safely, and sustainably. 

The leaders also concurred to intensify affiliation within ASEAN and affirmed the importance of maintaining regional peace, stability, freedom of aviation and navigation in the East Sea; as well as settling disputes peacefully on the basis of international law, including the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). 

They reiterated their support for the full and effective implementation of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea (DOC) and early completion of the effective, practical, and legally-binding Code of Conduct in the East Sea (COC).  

PM Phuc spoke highly of the visit to Vietnam by Vice President of the Philippine Democratic Party-Power of the Nation (PDP-Laban) Alfonso Gaba Cusi in August to sign a document establishing relations with the Communist Party of Vietnam. 

The PM noted his belief that cooperation between the two countries via the party channel would contribute to increasing mutual trust and creating opportunities for the two sides to talk further on strategic issues. 

President Duterte said the Philippines continues to consider Vietnam a close friend and wishes to advance the strategic partnership between the two countries. 

He also suggested the two sides intensify their exchange of high-level delegations.