PM Nguyen Xuan Phuc proposed establishing Mekong-Japan Creative Networks to strengthen connections and exchanges between research, creation and start-up centers between Japan and Mekong nations. 


PM Nguyen Xuan Phuc attends the 10th Mekong-Japan Summit in Tokyo, Japan with the Japanese, Lao, Myanmar and Thai counterparts on October 9, 2018

The PM made that statement while joining the 10th Mekong-Japan Summit in Tokyo, Japan with the Japanese, Lao, Myanmar and Thai counterparts on October 9. 

Speaking at the summit, PM Nguyen Xuan Phuc highlighted the role and contributions of Mekong-Japan cooperation in the implementation of the ASEAN Community Vision and ensuring peace, stability and development in the region. 

Regarding the cooperative orientations in the next period, the PM proposed some priorities consisting of enhancing transport connections, including Vientiane-Ha Noi expressway, Viet Nam-Cambodia waterway connection and Mekong internal energy connection between Viet Nam, Laos and Cambodia and between the Mekong Region and other nations.

He suggested improving soft infrastructure, giving priority to setting up and launching agreements and mechanisms to facilitate transport, trade and digital between country members as well as promote industrial connection, especially auxiliary industry. 

He stressed the need to strengthen human connection, particularly through education and training and realize the joint vision on a green Mekong with focus on sustainable management of water resources, environmental protection, response to climate change and sustainable and smart agricultural development. 

Initiatives proposed by PM Phuc were highly appraised in documents of the summit. 

The Vietnamese PM welcomed the positive outcomes of the U.S.- Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) Summit and the September 2018 inter-Korean summit, advocating the denuclearization in the Korean Peninsula in a peaceful manner and strictly following resolutions of the UN Security Council. 

Viet Nam will continue joining hand with Japan and the international community to address humanitarian issues, including kidnapping and oppose all kidnapping activities between countries, he said. 

Referring the East Sea issue, the PM acknowledged positive developments in negotiations but still expressed his concerns over current complex happenings in the East Sea. 

He stressed the necessity of ensuring peace, stability, safety, security and freedom of negotiation and aviation in the East Sea, calling all sides to obey the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982 and the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea (DOC) and soon complete the Code of Conduct of Parties in the East Sea (COC). 

Mekong-Japan cooperation to be upgrade into Strategic Partnership 

At the meeting, leaders reviewed the cooperation works over the recent years, discussed measures for further cooperation in the new period as well as exchanged international and regional issues.

They consented to upgrade Mekong-Japan cooperation in to Strategic Partnership, focusing on three main pillars:

Firstly, they agreed to boost active and effective connection, including the construction of infrastructure and implementation of the Mekong industry vision 2.0 as well as other sectors such as transport infrastructure, telecommunication, energy, trade, investment and digital economy. 

Secondly, all the leaders were unanimous in making people a center of all activities, with the focus on human resources in industry, international business, artificial intelligence, finance, agriculture, pharmacy, health, education and justice. 

They agreed to organize Mekong-Japan exchange year 2019 to boost knowledge and exchanges between people living in Mekong and Japan. 

Thirdly, they approved to realize a green Mekong, concentrating on enhancing cooperation with other international and regional organizations, especially the     Mekong River Commission (MRC) on the sustainable use and management of water resource in Mekong Region, adaption to climate change, waste treatment and sustainable preservation and exploitation of aquatic resources. 

Delegates at the event discussed international and regional matters, including the East Sea issue and the Korean Peninsula. 

They reaffirmed the joint commitments to maintaining and accelerating peace, security and stability in the region, addressing disputes with peaceful measures, including full respect of legal and diplomatic procedures, preventing to threat or use forces in line with the widely-recognized principles of the international laws, including the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982. 

After the summit, all the leaders ratified the Tokyo Strategy 2018 for the 2019-2021 period with three lists of cooperative projects within Mekong-Japan cooperation and global and regional cooperative development programs and frameworks.