Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc and his Dutch counterpart Mark Rutte reiterated their determination to deepen the relationship between Vietnam and the Netherlands in a sustainable fashion during their talks in The Hague on July 10. 


Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc (L) and his Dutch counterpart Mark Rutte

At the talks, which took place following a welcome ceremony for the Vietnamese leader the same day, host and guest reviewed the bilateral cooperation over the past time, especially in the five priority areas of climate change response and water management, agriculture, oil and gas, seaport and logistics services.

PM Phuc congratulated the People’s Party for Freedom and Democracy led by PM Mark Rutte on its victory during the general election on March 15, 2017. 

He stressed that Vietnam always attaches importance to enhancing the friendship and multi-faceted cooperation with the Netherlands, one of the country’s leading partners in the EU. 

For his part, PM Mark Rutte affirmed Vietnam is the Netherlands’s important partner and a potential market in Southeast Asia. 

He said the Government and business circle of the Netherlands back the early signing and ratification of the EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA), which, he said, is expected to open up new opportunities for investment and business cooperation between the two sides. 

The two PMs noted that the Netherlands has become Vietnam’s second largest European trade partner with two-way trade reaching 6.7 billion USD in 2016 and the biggest European investor in Vietnam with total registered investment worth 7.7 billion USD. 

Both held that the two countries still hold great potential for cooperation. 

The leaders noted with pleasure the initial results of the implementation of the Strategic Partnership Agreement on Climate Change Adaptation and Water Management inked by the two countries in 2010 and the Strategic Partnership Agreement on Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security signed in 2014. They consented to continue carrying out specific cooperation projects in the fields. 

The Netherlands pledged to provide more support for Vietnam in updating the Mekong River Plan, restructuring and building the regional connectivity, accessing suitable financial resources and regional planning for climate change adaptation, while boosting collaboration between Rotterdam and Ho Chi Minh City. 

The two sides also agreed to step up their partnership in high-tech sustainable agriculture and food safety, improving value chains of meat products and conducting research on plant varieties adaptive to climate change. 

They were delighted at cooperation achievements in other sectors including aviation, tourism, health care as well as affiliation between the two countries’ localities. 

Regarding specific orientations and measures to foster the friendship and cooperation between the two countries in the time ahead, the PMs consented to maintain the exchange of all-level delegations in order to intensify mutual trust and understanding, and create favourable conditions for Vietnamese and Dutch businesses to increase their partnership and investment in climate change and water management, high-tech and sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, maritime economy, and logistics and seaport services. 

The two countries will also tighten their coordination and mutual support at multilateral organisations and forums in tandem with promoting bilateral affiliation in national defence-security and peace-keeping activities within the UN framework. 

Talking about the East Sea issue, the leaders reiterated the significance of safeguarding peace, stability, security and maritime and aviation safety and freedom in the waters to the region and the world. 

PM Mark Rutte emphasised the Netherlands’s backing of the views shared by Vietnam and other ASEAN nations to address disputes by peaceful measures; not to use force or threaten to use force; abide by legal and diplomatic processes in line with international law, including the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).

Following the talks, the two PMs and the WB Country Director for Vietnam signed a memorandum of understanding on cooperation in food safety management. 

The two PMs also inked a Letter of Intent between the two governments on the cooperation to facilitate and implement large-scale transformative projects for a sustainable Mekong Delta of Vietnam, and witnessed the signing of cooperation documents in infrastructure, natural disaster combat, seaport and logistic services by the two countries’ ministries and agencies. 

PM Phuc used this occasion to invite his Dutch counterpart to visit Vietnam. PM Mark Rutte accepted the invitation with pleasure. The time for the visit will be arranged through the diplomatic channel. 

At the end of the talks, the two sides issued a joint statement on outcomes of PM Phuc’s official visit to the Netherlands from July 8-11.

Vietnam-Netherlands Joint Statement

PM Nguyen Xuan Phuc (L) and his Dutch counterpart Mark Rutte exchange the joint statement 


The Hague (VNA) - Vietnam and the Netherlands have issued a joint statement in the framework of the working visit of Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc to the Netherlands from July 8-11. 

The following is the full text of the joint statement:

1. At the invitation of H.E. Mr. Mark Rutte, Prime Minister of the Netherlands, H.E. Mr. Nguyen Xuan Phuc, Prime Minister of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and his spouse visited the Netherlands from 08 to 11 July 2017.

During the visit, Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc held talks with Prime Minister Mark Rutte and was the guest of honour at a dinner hosted by Prime Minister Mark Rutte; met with the President of the House of Representatives Ms. Khadija Arib and the President of the Senate Ms. Ankie Broekers-Knol; visited the Port of Rotterdam and met with the Mayor of Rotterdam Mr. Ahmed Aboutaleb; visited Wageningen University and Research; attended a Business Forum, participated in a CEO Roundtable and met with representatives of leading Dutch companies.

2. The leaders noted with satisfaction the comprehensive and substantive growth of the Vietnam - Netherlands relationship in all areas since the establishment of the Strategic Partnership Arrangement on Climate Change Adaptation and Water Management in 2010 as well as the Strategic Partnership Arrangement on Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security in 2014. The leaders pledged to continue high-level contacts and exchanges of delegations, including consultations at regular intervals between the Ministries of Foreign Affairs on topics of mutual interest and concern. The diplomatic missions of the two countries at international organizations and multilateral fora, when appropriate, will hold consultations and strengthen cooperation on issues of mutual interest. 

Both leaders noted that Vietnam and the Netherlands will celebrate the 45th anniversary of their diplomatic relations in 2018 and agreed that the respective sides would coordinate where appropriate in marking this special year. 

3. The leaders expressed satisfaction with the concrete cooperation within the framework of the Strategic Partnership Arrangement on Climate Change Adaptation and Water Management. 

In particular, the two sides have made significant progress in cooperating on improved regional coordination in the Mekong Delta and on policies directed at the sustainable development of the Mekong Delta. Both sides are committed to build on these successes. 

Given the similarities as Delta Countries, both sides valued the exchange of expertise and experience in this field. In light of its role as an important knowledge partner, the Netherlands confirmed its willingness to further support the implementation of the Arrangement, as appropriate. The leaders signed a Letter of Intent to cooperate on the facilitation and implementation of large-scale transformative projects for a sustainable Mekong Delta. Vietnam welcomed the Dutch contribution to the Mekong River Commission (MRC). The leaders confirmed their strong support for the 1995 Agreement on the cooperation for the sustainable development of the Mekong River basin.  

4. The leaders highly valued the practical cooperation within the framework of the Strategic Partnership Arrangement on Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security. Vietnam and the Netherlands will exchange views on improving value chains in agriculture, including in safe meat production chains and creating favorable conditions for innovative sustainable agriculture. Vietnam welcomes the experience and cooperation of the Netherlands in this field. Together with the World Bank Group, they signed a Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation in Food Safety Management in Vietnam involving Dutch support for Vietnam in terms of professional knowledge, technology and experience. Vietnam appreciates the technical support of the Netherlands in developing Vietnam’s National Food Branding strategy in recent years. Vietnam cordially invited the Netherlands to participate in the Vietnam FoodExpo 2018 as the Country of Honour. 

5. The two countries affirmed the importance of promoting bilateral trade and investment and creating favorable conditions for the businesses of both sides, particularly in the framework of the EU - Vietnam Free Trade Agreement. The leaders expressed their support for the EU - Vietnam Free Trade Agreement. This agreement, with a specific chapter on sustainability, would be mutually beneficial and an important tool to spur economic growth and sustainable development. The Netherlands offered its expertise and support to Viet Nam on the implementation of the Agreement as will be stipulated in the Road Map. Vietnam reaffirmed its consistent policy of economic reform and international integration, ensuring implementation of relevant international commitments.

6. The leaders support the efforts and progress made in the partnership between the Vietnamese aviation sector and the Dutch aviation sector. Vietnam highly appreciates the collaboration of Dutch aviation experts, government agencies and businesses with their peers in Vietnam. The continued efforts by the Dutch government supported through the Dutch Aviation Vietnam Cluster will focus on knowledge exchange, advisory services and identifying suitable technologies to support the growth of Vietnam’s aviation industry. 

Both sides, given the importance of the maritime and inland waterway transportation; logistics and port development and management for their economies and building on earlier cooperation, are looking forward to intensifying exchange of expertise in these fields.

7. The leaders highly appreciated the recent development in the cooperation among their provincial and municipal authorities and agreed to promote the investment and technological transfer from Dutch local authorities to Vietnamese ones. 

8. The leaders acknowledged the importance of the rule of law and respect for human rights, both of which are essential for sustainable development, security and stability. Prime Minister Rutte acknowledged the positive developments in Vietnam in the field of equal rights for Lesbian, Gays, Transgender, Bisexual and Intersex (LGBTI) persons, including the joint position of both countries in the Human Rights Council on the issue, and looks forward to future cooperation on this topic. The leaders looked back with satisfaction on Dutch support for Vietnam in implementing the UN Convention Against Torture (UNCAT) and expressed their wish to extend this cooperation. 

9. The leaders reaffirmed their commitment to the ‘Paris Agreement’, signed during the 21st session of the Conference of the Parties to the 1992 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Both sides realized the importance of developing renewable energy. The Netherlands is pleased to be part of the Vietnam Energy Partnership Group (VEPG) and is looking forward to its deliberations, especially on the area of energy efficiency. 

10. The leaders looked back at a successful G20 Summit in Hamburg, Germany. The leaders reaffirmed their commitment to stepping up their extensive cooperation as well as mutual support in regional and international fora such as the United Nations, WTO, the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM), the ASEAN-EU cooperation in order to promote peace, stability and economic integration, sustainable and inclusive growth and prosperity. Fostering cooperation ties between these organizations, inter alia through ASEAN-EU meetings and the ASEM, can benefit the member countries. The Netherlands wishes Vietnam much success in hosting the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum in 2017. 

With the establishment of the ASEAN community, both leaders expressed their determination to strengthen cooperation in order to take use of the massive market of 600 million consumers of ASEAN. The leaders welcomed the recent progress in the ASEAN-EU dynamic partnership in various areas. They expressed their commitment to enhanced ASEAN-EU relations.

The leaders discussed ways to expand their defense cooperation, especially in the area of maritime security. The leaders noted with satisfaction the recent cooperation in peacekeeping. Prime Minister Rutte commended the growing efforts of Vietnam in UN Peacekeeping Operations. Prime Minister Phuc expressed his appreciation for the Netherlands’ assistance to Vietnam’s Peacekeeping Center. 

11. Prime Minister Rutte and Prime Minister Phuc recognized that peace, security, stability, safety and freedom of navigation in and overflight above the South China Sea (called East Sea in Vietnam), are of strategic significance. The leaders also affirmed their full support for the peaceful resolution of disputes in accordance with international law, including the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). The leaders jointly decided to explore ways to intensify the bilateral dialogue on international law and the settlement of disputes by peaceful means. The leaders pledged to further strengthen cooperation in training experts, academic exchange among each other’s institutions and researchers in the field of international law, especially in the law of the sea.
