Hanoi Police yesterday issued a warning to two policemen of the Dong Anh District Police for an assault with a reporter from the Youth newspaper.

Hanoi Police yesterday issued a warning to two policemen of the Dong Anh District Police for beating a reporter from

The officers accused of the assault are Ngo Quang Hung and Nguyen Van Thuyen.

Reporter Tran Quang The was also found to have violated regulations by entering a crime scene without permission from the police, said Colonel Nguyen Duy Ngoc, deputy director of the Hanoi Police.

Earlier, last Friday morning, Đông Anh district police had found the body of a taxi driver under Nhat Tan Bridge.

Reporter The, together with some other reporters from different newspapers, arrived at the scene to report on the incident. Not noticing any camera ban sign or police line restricting the crime scene, he took out his camera.

Several photographs were shared on a social network, accusing a group of plainclothes Dong Anh district policemen of assaulting The.

The chairman of the Hanoi People’s Committee, Nguyen Duc Chung, asked the capital police to urgently investigate the alleged harassment of the reporter.