A ship built in Poland for the Viet Nam People's Navy arrived in the south-central province of Khanh Hoa yesterday.




The vessel, which will be used for training and international exchanges, docked at the port of the Vietnam Naval Academy in Nha Trang City.

The ship is named after Le Quy Don, a famous Vietnamese poet, philosopher and encyclopedist from the 18th century.

It was built in July 2014 by Polish shipyard Marine Projects Ltd. under a contract signed with the Vietnam Naval Academy and was launched on June 6, 2015. The contract included the training of the Vietnamese crew.

The 67m-long, 10m-wide ship has a total area of 1,400sq.m. and weighs 857 metric tons, with three 40m spars.





It is outfitted with modern equipment and maritime technology and can carry 30 sailors and up to 80 trainees for training sessions.

The ship arrived in Viet Nam after a 125-day voyage with a mixed Polish and Vietnamese crew onboard, crossing the Baltic Sea, North Sea and Atlantic Ocean; traveling through the English Channel to the Caribbean Bay; and sailing through the Panama Canal to the Pacific Ocean, Lieutenant Nguyen Trong Hieu, vice captain of the vessel, said. 

More photos of the vessel:



The welcome ceremony.





 The vessel at the Nha Trang Military Port.





The hand-over ceremony held last August.




The design.








 The vessel was handed over to the VN Naval Academy in late August 2015. It left Poland to Vietnam in early September 2015.





The Vietnamese Ambassador to Poland at the hand-over ceremony.
