President Tran Dai Quang suggested Governor of Japan’s Aichi prefecture Hideaki Omura encourage local and central region’s businesses to invest in Vietnam, especially in processing industry and agriculture, during a reception in Hanoi on September 12. 

President Tran Dai Quang (R) and Governor of Japan’s Aichi prefecture Hideaki Omura

The Vietnamese State and people always value the strengthening of friendship and cooperation with Japan in general and Aichi in particular, he said, vowing all possible support for Japanese firms, including those from Aichi, to do business in Vietnam. 

As an economic and industrial hub of the central region with a gross domestic product of nearly 350 billion USD, Aichi holds great potential of reinforcing ties with Vietnam, particularly in fields of its strength such as automobiles, support industry, agriculture, and reception of Vietnamese graduates, Quang said. 

He also hailed the signing of a cooperation agreement between the Governor and the Ho Chi Minh City leader during the visit, and expressed his pleasure with collaboration between around 150 Aichi businesses and their partners in Vietnam, especially since the issuance of a statement on a joint vision for bilateral relations in September 2015. 

Omura, for his part, informed the host of the outcomes of his working session with the Transport Ministry, saying that the opening of direct flights connecting Aichi and Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City will facilitate exchange and travelling between Japan’s central region and Vietnam.

The guest wished for further support from the Vietnamese State to expand ties with Vietnam, thereby boosting the Vietnam-Japan extensive strategic partnership for peace and prosperity in Asia. 

Aichi is currently home to more than 13,000 Vietnamese living and working. 

The same day, the Governor was also received by Deputy Prime Minister Truong Hoa Binh, who asked his guest to pay more attention to investment in Vietnam, especially in automobiles, support industry and tourism, as well as share experience with the country in agriculture, technology transfer, and workforce training in high-tech farming. 

He also urged continued assistance for Vietnamese technical graduates major in mechanical engineering and agriculture as well as Vietnamese nationals living in the prefecture. 

Omura expressed his wish that cooperation between Japan in general and Aichi in particular and Vietnam would increasingly grow.

Party chief receives Japan’s LDP general secretary

Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong on September 9 received the Secretary General of the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) of Japan, Toshihiro Nikai who is on an official visit to Vietnam. 

The LDP secretary general, who is also President of the Japan–Vietnam Parliamentary Friendship Union, spoke highly of the official visit by Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong to Japan last September, saying that it set a milestone and opened up a new era in bilateral relations between the two countries. 

He stressed the political trust between the two countries serves as a firm foundation for the effective and beneficial cooperation between them.

Nikai affirmed that the LDP in its role as the ruling party of Japan, will constantly prioritise the partnership and relationship with Vietnam in its foreign affairs. 

He vowed to boost exchanges and cooperation with the Communist Party of Vietnam. 

Meanwhile, Party General Secretary Trong expressed delight at the strong and fruitful development in relations between Vietnam and Japan. 

He also affirmed that Vietnam regards Japan as one of its most important and long-term partners in all fields of cooperation. 

The Vietnamese Party chief appreciated the great contributions by the LDP Secretary General in his role as the president of the Japan–Vietnam Parliamentary Friendship Union and in the development of the friendship associations of the two countries.