President Tran Dai Quang hailed the Commando Arm’s efforts and achievements while addressing a ceremony in Hanoi on March 19 to mark the force’s 50th founding anniversary.


President Tran Dai Quang presents a Military Order of Feat of Arms, first class, to the Commando Arm

While noting that the world and regional situation has witnessed complicated developments, with high risks of instability and unpredictable circumstances along with both opportunities and challenges to the cause of national defence and construction, President Quang urged the force to exert further efforts to grasp chances and overcome difficulties, thus contributing to the country’s goals of modernisation and industrialisation as well as international integration.

He asked the force to focus on enhancing their capacity and preparedness for combating, preventing “peaceful evolution” and rebelling schemes, fighting terrorism and firmly safeguarding the Fatherland’s sovereignty over seas and islands.

The President reminded the force to work with administrations at all levels and sectors to promote activities to assist people in poverty reduction, economic development and natural disaster prevention and control.

Along with keeping a close watch on the regional and international situation, the force should seek new and more effective combat methods in conformity with the changing conditions and targets, he said.

The State leader reiterated late President Ho Chi Minh’s teaching, requesting the force to uphold its flexible ingenuity, sharpened skills, internal solidarity and strict disciplines.

President Quang also underscored the need for the force to build a transparent and strong party organisation with thorough understanding and implementation of the Party Central Committee’s resolution on party building as well as the Politburo’s decree on studying and following President Ho Chi Minh’s moral example.

At the ceremony, President Tran Dai Quang presented a Military Order of Feat of Arms, first class, to the Commando Arm.

Since its inception on March 19, 1967, the force have overcome all difficulties and excellently fulfilled all tasks assigned by the Party, State and army.

During the struggle for national liberation as well as the implementation of international tasks, the force has strictly followed the military stances and policies designed by the Party and President Ho Chi Minh, while creatively applying the nation’s unique military strategy.

The force won thousands of battles, significantly contributing to the complete liberation of the South and national reunification, preserving the nation’s independence, sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity and accomplishing all international tasks.

During the period of national reform, construction, defence and development, the Commando Arm has well performed its role as an advisor to the Central Military Commission of the Communist Party of Vietnam and the Ministry of National Defence in building and further developing the force.

The force was twice honoured with the title “Hero Unit of the People’s Armed Forces”. On the occasion, it also received an Isala Order of Laos, and Angkor Order of Cambodia.