President Tran Dai Quang hosted a reception in Hanoi on March 27 for a delegation of overseas Vietnamese and the Buddhist An Nam Tong sect from Thailand.


President Tran Dai Quang presents gift to the delegation

The representatives of the overseas Vietnamese and Buddhist community in Thailand are in Vietnam to attend a programme designed specifically for overseas Vietnamese Buddhist dignitaries and followers – the first of its kind held by the Committee for Overseas Vietnamese Affairs - from March 25-30.

President Tran Dai Quang noted that a majority of the population of both Vietnam and Thailand practise Buddhism. He emphasised that the similarities in culture, religion and belief between the two countries are the foundation for them to further strengthen their friendship and cooperation.

The State leader praised the role of the Buddhist An Nam Tong sect in promoting community solidarity and connecting the Vietnamese community with the Thai authorities and people. 

“The system of Buddhist temples and cultural facilities of Vietnamese in Thailand both meet the spiritual and religious needs of the overseas Vietnamese and strengthen community solidarity and their bonds with the host country, while help preserve the national identity and educate the young overseas Vietnamese on their roots,” he said.  

He affirmed the Vietnamese Party and State always consider the Vietnamese community abroad an integral part of the nation and create all favourable conditions for them to stabilise their lives in the host country.

The State leader requested the Committee for Overseas Vietnamese (OV) Affairs to pay more attention to making policies supporting overseas Vietnamese.

He also took the occasion to call on the Thai Government and Buddhist Sangha to continue facilitating the popularisation of the Vietnamese culture in the country.