President Tran Dai Quang has reiterated the Vietnamese Party and State’s consistent policy of treasuring and sincerely developing the neighborly friendship and comprehensive cooperation with the Chinese Party and State, considering it a strategic choice and the top priority in Vietnam’s external relations. 


At the talks 

During his talks with Party General Secretary and President of China Xi Jinping in Beijing on May 11, the Vietnamese leader expressed his belief that under the sound leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC) led by Xi as a nucleus, the Chinese Party, State and people will score greater achievements in the cause of building a socialist China of modernity, wealth, democracy, civilization, and harmony which contributes positively to peace, stability, and prosperity in the region and the world. 

He wished that the 19th Congress of the CPC slated for later this year would be a success. He said he welcomes President Xi to attend the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Economic Leaders’ Meeting 2017, assuring host that the Vietnamese agencies concerned would work closely with Chinese counterparts to make the best preparations for the visit. 

Vietnam and China are close neighbours with many similarities, he said, adding that the traditional friendship founded and fostered by Presidents Ho Chi Minh and Mao Zhedong during the national liberation cause has become a common valuable asset of the two nations that needs to be maintained, inherited and upheld. 

Cultural similarities as well as the respective development, stability and attainments are extremely significant for both countries, President Quang noted.

The healthy and stable development of the Vietnam-China friendly collaboration is an objective requirement that matches the basic and long-term interests of the two people and brings benefit to peace, stability and development in the region and the world, he stated. 

Xi, for his part, affirmed that the Chinese Party, State and people place high importance on the friendship with Vietnam and wish to work with the Vietnamese Party, State and people to continue furthering that friendship and developing the comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership between the two countries in a healthy and stable fashion. 

He expressed his delight at paying the upcoming State-level visit to Vietnam and attending the APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting 2017 in the central city of Da Nang, stressing that China supports Vietnam in the successful organisation of the event. 

At the talks, the two leaders expressed their delight at progress in the relations between the two Parties and countries in recent years and discussed in depth major orientations to strengthen trust and friendship and promote win-win cooperation across sectors, maintain peace and stability at sea, and push the Vietnam-China toward in a healthy and sustainable manner in the coming time.

They agreed to maintain regular exchanges and contacts between Party and State leaders so to map out strategic orientations to steer the promotion of cooperation areas, and promptly handle arising matters to maintain the friendly, healthy and stable Vietnam-China ties.

The meeting of representatives of the two Politburos will be well organised while the role of the Steering Committee for Vietnam-China cooperation in coordinating and accelerating the implementation of leaders’ shared perceptions will be promoted, they said. 

The implementation of the two Parties’ cooperation plan for 2016-2020 and theoretical workshops, and exchange programmes between the National Assemblies, organisations and localities, especially bordering ones, were reached during their talks.

The sides consented to improve the quality and effectiveness of economic cooperation and other fields to create a firm foundation for the Vietnam-China friendship while steering ministries, sectors, localities and businesses to carry out agreed plans, programmes and projects.

They also agreed on applying measures to boost bilateral trade, facilitating Vietnam’s trade promotion offices in Chinese localities, and encouraging businesses to increase trade, especially agricultural and fishery products, and food. Chinese enterprises are encouraged to join eco-friendly advanced technology projects that are suitable to Vietnam’s demand and sustainable development strategy.

They assented to discussions for the signing of a master plan on building a cross-border economic cooperation area in the principle of equality, mutual benefit, respect for independence, sovereignty, and in compliance with the respective laws.

President Quang asked China to employ measures to gradually reduce Vietnam’s trade deficit with the country, including stepping up the import of Vietnamese farm produce.

He suggested the sides ratcheting up cooperation in agriculture, the environment, science-technology, and climate change response, and China helping Vietnam create rice varieties adaptable to drought and saltwater intrusion in the Mekong delta.

The two countries should soon discuss renewing an agreement on a hotline to tackle unexpected issues relating to fishing at sea and boost cooperation in the sustainable use of water resources of the Lancang-Mekong River and in responding to water resource security, environmental protection and nuclear safety, he said.

Regarding sea issues, President Quang asserted Vietnam’s consistent stance of persistently addressing the dispute in the East Sea by peaceful measures on the basis of international law, including the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982 and with respect to diplomatic and legal processes.

He asked the two sides to stringently implement the common perceptions and reached agreements and commitments, in particular the agreement on the basic principles guiding the settlement of issues at sea; soundly manage the dispute and not take any action to complicate and expand the dispute; satisfactorily tackle fisheries problems and fishermen’s operations; hasten the negotiating mechanisms on sea issues to make practical progress; accelerate cooperation in less sensitive issues at sea; fully and efficiently implement the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea (DOC), and strive to work together with ASEAN to accomplish a Code of Conduct of Parties in the East Sea (COC) within 2017 in anticipation with the 15-year signing of the DOC.

At the end of the talks, Presidents Quang and Xi witnessed the signing of five cooperative documents covering economic and technological cooperation between the two Governments; increased cooperation between the two Foreign Ministries; e-commerce cooperation between the two Industry and Trade Ministries; cooperation in 2017-2020 between the Ho Chi Minh National Politics Academy and the Party School of the Communist Party of China; and a government’s soft loan supplementing the Hanoi-Ha Dong metropolis railway project.

On the occasion, the Presidents and their spouses visited a space exhibiting photos depicting Vietnam taken by Chinese photographers at the Great Hall of the People.

Later on the day, Party General Secretary and President Xi and his spouse hosted a banquet in honor of President Tran Dai Quang, his spouse and the Vietnamese delegation.

Vietnam values front cooperation with China: President


President Tran Dai Quang shakes hands with CPPCC Vice Chairman Wang Jiarui 

The Vietnamese Party and Government highly evaluate the ties formed between the Vietnam Fatherland Front and the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), stated President Tran Dai Quang.

He made the remark at a meeting with CPPCC Vice Chairman Wang Jiarui in Beijing on May 11 during his State visit to China. 

President Quang stressed that people-to-people exchange is an important channel for Vietnam and China to boost constructive cooperation and resolve outstanding issues satisfactorily.

Lauding Wang Jiarui’s long-time support for the Vietnam-China comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership, he expected the Chinese official to continue his contributions to increasing exchanges and mutual understanding between the two organisations and people.

Wang Jiarui affirmed that the Chinese Party, Government and people treasure the traditional friendship and partnership with Vietnam and that he will spare no effort to foster amity between Vietnamese and Chinese people.

Welcome ceremony and cannon salute for President in China


View of the welcome ceremony for President Tran Dai Quang in China 

A 21-gun salute was accorded to Vietnamese President Tran Dai Quang and his spouse at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on May 11 afternoon.

The ceremony, the highest ritual for a head of state, was chaired by Party General Secretary and President of China Xi Jinping.

Tran Dai Quang and Xi Jinping then reviewed the guards of honour. 

Following the ceremony, they held talks at the Great Hall of the People.

President Tran Dai Quang is in China from May 11-15 for a State visit and the high-level forum on the Belt and Road Initiative.

The visit is made at the invitation of Party General Secretary and President of China Xi Jinping amidst growing relations in various spheres between the two countries.