President Tran Dai Quang hosted a reception for Chinese Minister of Commerce Zhong Shan in Hanoi on May 20, during which he emphasised that Vietnam attaches importance to expanding and improving the effectiveness of economic, trade and investment cooperation with China, benefiting the people of both countries.


President Tran Dai Quang welcomes Chinese Minister of Commerce Zhong Shan in Hanoi

Lauding the positive growth of the Vietnam-China comprehensive strategic partnership, especially in the economy, trade and investment, he noted that China has been the largest trade partner of Vietnam, while Vietnam has become the largest ASEAN trade partner of China.

He said that during his China visit from May 11-15 to attend the “One Belt, One Road” Forum, leaders of the two countries reached important shared perceptions on orientations and major measures to strengthen political trust, foster bilateral friendship and cooperation, and maintain the healthy and stable development of the bilateral ties.

He proposed that the two sides actively implement agreements and common perceptions reached by senior leaders of the two countries, thus promoting economic, trade and investment partnership in a stable, balanced and sustainable manner.

The President lauded China’s affirmation in opening its market and creating favourable conditions for Vietnam’s agro-fisheries and food products, electronics and coal.

He suggested that China give more favourable conditions for the clearance of goods at border gates to boost economic growth and improve living conditions for locals in border localties of both sides.

The two countries should urge businesses of both sides to promptly deal with current obstacles and problems facing joint projects, he said, adding that both countries should also share ideas in making planning and plans in development strategy connection, improving production capacity and building cross-border economic zones to match the benefit and sustainable growth strategies of both sides.

The State leader also spoke highly of China’s support and close coordination during the 2017 APEC Year that Vietnam is hosting. He proposed that the two sides continue working closely together to create a new motivation for the sustainable, inclusive and creative growth of the Asia-Pacific region and driving APEC cooperation and connection to 2020 and beyond. 

He welcomed Chinese President and Party General Secretary Xi Jinping to visit Vietnam and attend the APEC Summit 2017 in Da Nang.

For his part, Zhong Shan affirmed that China highly values the development of ties with Vietnam in a stable and deep fashion.

He briefed the host on his activity during his stay in Vietnam, including a working session with Vietnam’s Minister of Industry and Trade on measures to effectively implement high-level agreements reached by leaders of the two Parties and State, thus promoting bilateral economic, trade and investment growth.

China’s Ministry of Commerce is willing to work with Vietnam’s relevant agencies to realise the outcomes of the China visit of President Tran Dai Quang, he stated.

The Chinese official pointed to high cooperation potential between the two countries, expressing China’s hope to import more goods from Vietnam to lift up two-way trade to exceed 100 billion USD towards balance in bilateral trade.

China pledges to open its door wider and creating favourable conditions for Vietnamese goods in the market, he said, adding that the Chinese Government has also encouraged local businesses to invest in Vietnam and strengthen partnership with their Vietnamese peers in high technology.