President Tran Dai Quang has sent a letter of thanks to his Philippine counterpart, Rodrigo Duterte, for freeing 17 Vietnamese fishermen and eliminating all related accusations since they had only entered the Philippine waters to avoid bad weather.

Tổng thống Philippines phát biểu tại buổi lễ trả tự do cho 17 ngư dân Việt Nam (Ảnh: ĐSQ Việt Nam tại Philippines)

President Duterte spoke at the ceremony to release 17 Vietnamese fishermen

In the letter, President Quang said President Duterte’s decision is a manifestation of humanity and sound neighbourliness between the two countries.

He hoped the Vietnamese and Philippine States and people will further promote their friendship as asserted in the Joint Statement issued during the recent visit to Vietnam by President Duterte, for mutual benefits as well as for regional and global peace, stability, cooperation, development, and prosperity.

Earlier, on November 2, President Duterte personally saw off 17 Vietnamese fishermen who had trespassed on Philippine waters, after ordering the release in a gesture of friendship towards Hanoi.

At the send-off ceremony, Duterte told diplomats and government officials that he had ordered the charges to be dropped since the men had only entered Philippine waters to avoid bad weather.-VNA