President Tran Dai Quang met with members of the Russia-Vietnam Friendship Association and the Russia Union of Veterans who formely worked in Vietnam in Moscow on late June 28.


President Tran Dai Quang (fifth, left) and his spouse (fourth, left) meet with members of the Russia-Vietnam Friendship Association and the Russia Union of Veterans who formely worked in Vietnam on June 28

Speaking at the Hanoi-Moscow multifunctional complex, President Quang, who is on an official visit to Russia, said he was happy to meet Russian war veterans who devoted their youth to the protection of their nation and the struggle for the independence and freedom of Vietnam.

The Vietnamese people remember the enormous support that Russia has given to their national liberation and development efforts, he noted.

Despite numerous difficulties over nearly seven decades, the friendship between the two countries’ people remains warm and is a firm foundation for fostering the Vietnam-Russia comprehensive strategic partnership, he said, adding that bilateral relations have been tested by time and have bright prospects.

The visiting leader affirmed that Vietnam prioritises developing its comprehensive strategic partnership with Russia, which has been and will always be a trustworthy friend of Vietnam.

He also expressed delight at the growth of bilateral ties, noting regular high-ranking delegation exchanges and increasing economic-trade links. The signing of a free trade agreement between Vietnam and the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) will create new momentum and opportunities for Vietnam’s trade with EAEU members, especially Russia, to grow.

The President valued the outcomes of people-to-people diplomacy through activities of the Russia-Vietnam Friendship Association such as exchanges and meetings between friends, former comrades and between Russian teachers and Vietnamese alumni.

He voiced his hope that the Russia-Vietnam Friendship Association and the Russian Union of Veterans who used to work in Vietnam, together with the Vietnam-Russia Friendship Association and the Association of Vietnamese War Veterans, will work harder to better link the two countries’ people and help younger generations better understand each other.

He also asked the Russia-Vietnam Friendship Association to continue assisting the Vietnamese community in the country so they can contribute more to bilateral ties.

At the meeting, Russian participants expressed their interest in the country and people of Vietnam. They also said they want to reinforce the two countries’ amity and cooperation.

Also on late June 28, President Quang had a meeting in Moscow with representatives of Vietnamese people, students and businesses in Russia.