The State visit to Vietnam by Japanese Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko will be a historical milestone and open a new chapter in the two countries’ friendship and cooperation, said President Tran Dai Quang. 


President Tran Dai Quang

The State and people of Vietnam are very pleased to welcome the first visit to Vietnam by the Japanese Emperor and Empress, President Quang he said during an interview granted to the Japanese newspaper Yomiuri Shimbun.

He said he hopes the visit will contribute to further strengthening the Vietnam-Japan extensive strategic partnership in all fields, meeting aspirations and interests of the two peoples.

The Vietnamese State leader highlighted the sound development of bilateral ties over the last 40 years, saying that the Vietnam-Japan extensive strategic partnership for peace and prosperity in Asia, which was formed in 2014, is a firm foundation for bolstering the comprehensive and substantial relationship between the two countries across fields. 

Political trust between Vietnam and Japan has been reinforced through the regular exchange of high-ranking visits and meetings, the most recent trip to Vietnam by Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in early this year. 

Vietnam and Japan established and effectively implemented numerous dialogue mechanisms in specific areas, and cooperation between their ministries and sectors have been expanded. The two sides have also worked closely at regional and global forums. 

Japan is Vietnam’s largest ODA provider, second biggest investor and fourth largest bilateral trade partner.  There are about 1,600 Japanese enterprises operating in Vietnam. The two countries are joining hands in implementing many large-scale infrastructure and energy projects in Vietnam. 

The two countries have also recorded flourishing cooperation in terms of security-defence, agriculture, labour, and climate change adaptation. Collaboration between Vietnamese and Japanese localities has been fostered in a practical manner, with nearly 30 pairs of localities setting up twinning relations.

People-to-people and cultural exchange, and tourism links have been enhanced. In 2016, Japan ranked third in the number of tourists visiting Vietnam.  

Vietnam and Japan boast great potential for boosting their ties in many fields as they have mutually complementary strengths, President Quang stressed, adding that the two countries’ leaders have met regularly and agreed to further deepen bilateral relations. 

They agreed to enhance political trust via maintaining visits and contacts at all levels, and improve the efficiency of dialogue mechanisms, Quang said, stressing that these are vital to further bolster multifaceted cooperation between the two countries. 

The two sides will push win-win cooperation in trade and investment, and work together in effectively using Japan’s ODA source in key infrastructure projects in Vietnam, towards making those into a symbol of success in economic cooperation between the two nations, the President said.

The two sides will pay heed to continuously fostering links in potential fields like high-tech and clean agriculture, labour, culture, people-to-people exchange and connection among their localities, laying a foundation for a more sustainable cooperation in the future. 

The President said he believes with efforts and sound policies of both sides, the Vietnam-Japan extensive strategic partnership will develop strongly, for interests of each country, for peace, stability and prosperity in the region and the world.

The President took the occasion to convey his best wishes to the Royal family, Government and people of Japan.

Japan’s Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko are paying a State visit to Vietnam from February 28 to March 5 at the invitation of President Tran Dai Quang and his spouse.