Visiting President of Vietnam Tran Dai Quang and President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko held talks in Minsk on June 27, reiterating their determination to make greater efforts to bring bilateral ties to the next level.


Visiting President of Vietnam Tran Dai Quang (R) and President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko

President Tran Dai Quang stated that Vietnam has always attached importance to cementing and stepping up the traditional friendship and multi-dimensional cooperation with Belarus.

For his part, President Alexander Lukashenko affirmed that his country always considers Vietnam one of its important external priorities in Asia, hailing Vietnam’s efforts in undertaking the hosting of the Asia-Pacific Economic (APEC) Forum in 2017 and wishing the country to hold the APEC Year successfully. 

The leaders showed their delight at positive developments in the countries’ cooperation across the board and asserted their resolve to strengthen and develop the bilateral traditional friendship and multi-faceted cooperation in a comprehensive, practical and efficient manner to serve the respective benefits.

They agreed to maintain the regular exchange of all-level visits, especially high-ranking ones, to reinforce political trust along with boosting State, parliament, sector and locality links and collaboration at multilateral forums like the United Nations and the Non-aligned Movement to protect their countries’ interests and security, together striving for a world of peace, stability and prosperity. 

The Presidents discussed and reached a consensus on an array of solutions to furthering the bilateral economic, trade and investment cooperation to match the sound political ties.

They noted the coordination to implement efficiently the free trade agreement between Vietnam and the Eurasian Economic Union and the Protocol on supporting the production of motored transport vehicles in the territory of Vietnam, with a view to making a breakthrough in the bilateral economic and trade cooperation, supporting the effort to bring two-way trade to 500 million USD in the next two years, along with studying possibilities to expand cooperation in agriculture which is still untapped by the two countries.

The two Presidents said they were glad that the two countries’ first vehicle manufacturing joint venture is being set up and is expected to be operating before yearend.

They agreed to continue efforts to carry out cooperation programmes in the economy, science, education and culture reached for 2016-2018; to deploy efficiently defence-security affiliations; and to facilitate win-win cooperation between localities.

President Tran Dai Quang hailed Belarus for organizing Belarus Cultural Days in Hanoi and Lao Cai in May and wished that both sides would conduct more cultural and sport exchange activities.

The leaders shared their high estimations of efforts made by both sides in making it easy for their citizens’ entry and exit and promoting tourism links.

The Vietnamese President expected that Belarus will continue helping the Vietnamese community to integrate into its society and contribute actively in strengthening the friendship between the two peoples.

Regarding international issues, they shared common viewpoints on many regional and global matters, emphasizing the central role of the United Nations in safeguarding international peace and security and sustainable development, and delivering their support for the organization in improving its operation efficiency.

President Alexander Lukashenko asserted his backing of Vietnam’s position on tackling territorial disputes, including those in the East Sea by peaceful measures without using force or threat to use force, with the participation of all sides concerned. He said he welcomes efforts to soon achieve a Code of Conduct in the East Sea (COC).  

He expressed his belief that the official visit to Belarus by President Quang will surely create a new impulse to the Vietnam-Belarus cooperation to grow robustly across sectors, thus providing a solid foundation for the bilateral ties to reach a new height, meeting their people’s aspiration and interest, for peace, stability, cooperation and development in the region and the world at large.

President Tran Dai Quang invited President Alexander Lukashenko to visit Vietnam, which will be arranged via diplomatic channel.

Following the talks, the Presidents signed a joint statement on developing the partnership between Vietnam and Belarus intensively and extensively.

They witnessed the signing of nine cooperative documents, including a Protocol on amending the Protocol between the Governments of Vietnam and Belarus on supporting the production of motored transport vehicles in the territory of Vietnam, and those covering science and technology, military technology, sport and physical training, geology, and locality cooperation.

Vietnam, Belarus aim for $500 million in two-way trade


President Tran Dai Quang (L) and Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko at the welcome ceremony

Vietnam and Belarus will work to lift bilateral trade to 500 million USD, President Tran Dai Quang and Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko told a press conference held following their talks in Belarus’s capital city of Minsk on June 27. 

President Tran Dai Quang, who is in Belarus for an official visit from June 26-28, said he and his Belarusian counterpart had discussed measures to promote bilateral trade and improve their trade balance while expanding investment cooperation, adding that the two sides underlined the importance of the free trade agreement between Vietnam and the Eurasian Economic Union. 

The two Presidents also agreed to continue the Vietnam-Belarus cooperation programme in the fields of economy, science, education and culture for the 2016-2018 period. At the same time, the two nations will improve the working efficiency of the Inter-Governmental Committee, facilitate export-import activities, expand industrial partnership with a priority on soon putting the two countries’ automobile assembling and manufacturing joint-venture into operation in Vietnam. 

According to the Vietnamese President, the two countries spoke highly of the trustworthy political ties founded and nurtured over the past 25 years since the establishment of diplomatic ties in 1992. 

He said he and Lukashenko agreed to maintain the regular exchange of all-level delegations, particularly those at high level to foster all-around ties, especially in economy-trade-investment. 

They also vowed to work closely together at international forums such as the United Nations and the Non-Aligned Movement, contributing to defending the interests of each country as well as to the building of a peaceful, stable and prosperous world.

The two leaders were satisfied with bilateral collaboration in national defence-security, and agreed to continue expanding joint work in other fields such as science-technology, education-training, culture, sports, tourism and labour. 

President Quang expressed his wish that Belarus would continue providing support for Vietnamese nationals living in the country. 

President Lukashenko said Belarus considers Vietnam a long-term cooperative partner, and the two sides have reached consensus on boosting bilateral cooperation through the exchange of delegations and linkages between localities.

He highlighted the growth in bilateral economic-trade ties, stressing that the FTA between Vietnam and the Eurasian Economic Union will be the foundation for the two countries to achieve the goal of 500 million USD in two-way trade in the next few years. 

He said both sides will work to increase Vietnam’s exports to Belarus apart from farm produce, machinery and automobiles, as well as Belarus’s farming tractor supply to Vietnam, adding that they will also consider joint projects in each other’s territory. 

Vietnam, Belarus eye strong cooperation prospect: President

President Tran Dai Quang and his spouse arrives in Minsk International Airport 

Long-standing friendship between Vietnam and Belarus, as well as their strong political trust, high determination of the two countries’ leaders and positive outcomes in bilateral cooperation over the past years are firm foundation for both sides to lift up their ties to a new height for mutual benefit, said President Tran Dai Quang.

In an interview granted to Belarus National State TV, the Vietnamese President, who is on a three-day official visit to Belarus, highlighted that Vietnam and Belarus hold high affiliation prospect in a strong, dynamic and more effective manner in the future.

Important agreements in economic and trade, including the Vietnam-Eurasian Economic Union free trade agreement and the Vietnam-Belarus protocol on supporting the production of motored transport vehicles in the territory of Vietnam, will create strong progress in economic, trade and investment partnership between the two countries, he said.

He noted that the two sides are actively implementing the truck assembling and production joint venture project between Belarus’s MAZ company and Vietnam’s Au Viet company, which is scheduled to become operational in late 2017.

With its strength in transport vehicle production, Belarus firms, especially MAZ, will expand cooperation with Vietnamese partners in the field, he held.

At the same time, agricultural collaboration will be strengthened, especially in farm produce export and processing, said the State leader.

The two sides will continue fostering their science-technology cooperation within the framework of the joint committee on science-technology cooperation on the basis of the affiliation roadmap between the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology and the Belarus National Academy of Sciences for the 2016-2020 period.

Along with bilateral collaboration in education-training, information-communications, the two sides will expand cooperation in natural resources and environment, said the President who pledged that Vietnam supports and encourages localities of both sides to set up direct partnership and propose specific cooperation plans.

The State leader also expressed his delight to visit Belarus for the first time since he took office in 2016, which coincides with the 25th anniversary of the bilateral diplomatic ties, while showing his sound sentiments to the nation and people of Belarus.

Noting that the two countries have shared strong political trust through regular exchanges of delegations, especially at high-ranking level, President Quang said that both sides have supported each other at international forums such as the United Nations and the Non-Aligned Movement.

Vietnam and Belarus have maintained diverse cooperation mechanisms, including the Deputy Foreign Ministerial political consultation, Inter-Governmental Committee on economic-trade and science-technology cooperation, Inter-Governmental Committee on defence technology cooperation, and Committee on science and technology cooperation.

Two-way trade reached nearly 100 million USD in 2016. Last year, the number of Belarusian tourists to Vietnam doubled that of 2015. Belarus is among 40 countries enjoying Vietnam’s e-visa issuance from February 1, 2017. In May this year, Belarus Culture Days were held in Hanoi and Son La province, introducing the beautiful country and friendly people of Belarus to Vietnam, noted the President.

Regarding benefit brought about by the Vietnam-EAEU free trade agreement in boosting bilateral economic-trade cooperation, he said that the deal brings precious opportunities and a new space for both sides to bolster their economic-trade ties.

Preferential tariff policies that the two sides offer to each other allow them to increase exports to each other market, thus making balancing trade and fulfilling the target of over 500 million USD in two-way trade the coming time, he said. 

Vietnam will also work hard to assist Belarus and EAEU countries to expand economic and trade ties with the ASEAN Community, a market with over 600 million people and the GDP of about 2.5 trillion USD, stated President Quang.

He also expressed his belief that Vietnam and Belarus will tap new opportunities to beef up their ties in all fields for the interest of the two countries’ people and for peace, stability and development in the region and the world.

Vietnam values parliamentary cooperation with Belarus

President Tran Dai Quang and Chairman of the House of Representatives of Belarus Vladimir Andreichenko at their meeting in Minsk on June 27 

President Tran Dai Quang has praised the sound collaboration between the Vietnamese and Belarusian parliaments in law-making activities and at multilateral parliamentary forums.

The President made the remark at a meeting with Chairman of the House of Representatives under Belarus’s National Assembly Vladimir Andreichenko in Minsk on June 27. 

At the same time, he urged stronger engagement of the Belarusian National Assembly in deepening Vietnam – Belarus relations via working with the Vietnamese side to complete legal framework for bilateral cooperation, supervise the implementation of agreements signed between the two governments, and help form partnerships between Vietnamese and Belarusian localities.

President Quang called on the two legislative bodies to oversee the execution of the free trade agreement betweenVietnam and the Eurasian Economic Union and a protocol on supporting the production of motorised transport vehicles in Vietnam.

The two pacts would help extend trade-investment ties, contributing to the effort to bring two-way trade to 500 million USD in the next two years, he noted.

Quang hailed the first vehicle manufacturing joint venture between Vietnam and Belarus as the start of a new period in bilateral economic partnership and stressed both countries’ commitments to facilitating local enterprises to access the other country’s market.

The President took the occasion to convey to his host an invitation for an official visit to Vietnam made by National Assembly Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan.

For his part, Vladimir Andreichenko highlighted that the National Assembly of Belarus has been doing its best to back the friendship and collaboration with Vietnam.

The legislative body fully supports increasing bilateral cooperation in defence-security, science-technology, culture-sport-tourism, education and locality partnerships, he stated.

Both host and guest expressed their delight at the dynamic growth of joint activities amid the two countries’ celebration of 25th founding anniversary of diplomatic relations.

President Tran Dai Quang seeks more investment projects with Belarus

President Tran Dai Quang (L) and  Belarusian Prime Minister Andrei Kobyakov 

President Tran Dai Quang has expressed his hope that Vietnam and Belarus will join hands in more investment projects covering such areas as agricultural product processing, machinery manufacturing, infrastructure construction and metro routes. 

Appreciating the establishment of the first automobile assembling and manufacturing joint venture between Vietnam and Belarus, President Quang told Belarusian Prime Minister Andrei Kobyakov during their meeting in Minsk on June 27 that the Vietnamese Government will facilitate the operation of the joint venture. 

He noted with pleasure the fruitful development of the traditional friendship and comprehensive cooperation between the two countries, considering it a firm foundation for both sides to advance their cooperation, especially in economics, trade and investment. 

The leader affirmed that Vietnam is willing to connect Belarus with the ASEAN market, to which the country is a member. 

He appreciated the two sides promoting the rank of the President of the Subcommittee of the Vietnam-Belarus Inter-Governmental Committee on Economic-Trade and Scientific, Technological Cooperation in order to better materialise consensus and desires of the two countries’ leaders, aiming to lift bilateral trade to 500 million USD, and even 1 billion USD in the time to come. 

President Quang used the occasion to thank Belarusian authorities and competent agencies for their support for the Vietnamese community, helping them stabilise their life in the host country. 

He called on the Belarusian Government to create more favourable conditions for the entry and exit of the Vietnamese to and from Belarus.

For his part, PM Andrei Kobyakov conveyed his belief that President Quang’s visit will create an impetus for the bilateral cooperation across fields. 

He said the Vietnam-Eurasian Economic Union Free Trade Agreement and the Protocol on supporting the production of motored transport vehicles in the territory of Vietnam have generated great opportunities for the two countries to enhance their economic, trade and investment ties. 

The leader pledged to instruct relevant Belarusian ministries and agencies as well as businesses to closely coordinate with their Vietnamese counterpart to effectively implement the agreement. 

Belarusian stands ready to import Vietnamese agricultural products, he said, suggesting the two countries set up more joint ventures as the Belarusian Government will facilitate their operation. 

Host and guest shared the wish to continue the bilateral collaboration in national defence and security, science-technology, culture-sports-tourism, education and training. 

On this occasion, President Tran Dai Quang conveyed Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc’s invitation to PM Andrei Kobyakov to visit Vietnam. The Belarusian PM accepted the invitation with pleasure. 

Later on the day, President Tran Dai Quang and his entourage visited the Victory Square and laid a wreath at the Victory Monument with an eternal flame in the square. 

On June 27 evening, President Alexander Lukashnko hosted a banquet for President and his entourage.

Vietnam, Belarus look to boost economic links

President Tran Dai Quang speaks at the seminar 

Vietnam welcomes and will create favourable conditions for Belarusian enterprises to expand investment and business in Vietnam, said President Tran Dai Quang. 

Addressing a Vietnam-Belarus economic seminar in Minsk, Belarus, on June 27 as part of his ongoing visit to the country, the Vietnamese State leader affirmed Belarus is a priority partner in Vietnam’s partnership with the Eurasian Economic Union.

The two countries’ business communities are not only part of the economic cooperation but also should initiate ideas, creating impetus for bilateral trade and investment links, thus strengthening relations between Vietnam and Belarus, he suggested.

Introducing Belarusian firms to Vietnam’s potential, President Quang said after nearly 30 years of high and stable economic growth, Vietnam has become an economy worth more than 220 billion USD, and run as an open economy with trade scale 1.6 times greater than GDP.

Vietnam has attracted more than 300 billion USD of foreign direct investment from 119 partners, becoming an important link in the global value chain, especially in electronics, garments and textiles and agriculture.  

The country has invested in 72 countries and territories with total registered capital of 21 billion USD, in the fields of mining, telecommunications, agro-forestry, IT, finance-banking and services. 

According to President Quang, the free trade agreement between Vietnam and the Eurasian Economic Union, which took effect in late 2016, opens new prospects in economic and trade cooperation between the two countries.  

Vietnam hopes to receive more investment from the Eastern European nation, especially in Belarus’s strong fields such as automobile and automotive components manufacture, mechanics and industrial devices, he said. 

The Vietnamese State also encourages local enterprises to invest in Belarus in IT, consumer products and agriculture, he said, affirming that Vietnam will make it easy for Belarusian firms operating in industry, mechanics, energy and minerals to bring their products to Vietnam. 

Meanwhile, Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko, in his opening remarks at the event, praised Vietnam’s dynamic development, saying the Belarusian Government will support Vietnamese enterprises to enhance investment and business in the country.

Belarus wishes to boost industrial production cooperation with Vietnam, and the country will establish a tractor and power excavator manufacturing joint venture in Vietnam in the future, he revealed. 

He said that many leading Belarusian hi-tech firms plan to launch plants in industrial parks in Vietnam to manufacture auxiliary equipment and that Belarusian firms are willing to share experience in developing metro systems and underground projects.

Belarus considers Vietnam a bridge to reinforce its position in Southeast Asia, thus bringing its products and services to other ASEAN nations, and Vietnamese firms can use the Belarus market as a gateway to Europe, Lukashenko stressed.

He also called on Vietnamese businesses to invest in, produce and sell their products in his country. 

Vietnamese companies can set up joint ventures with Belarusian counterparts in producing dried-milk products, processing seafood, tea and coffee, producing gas from crude oil, developing ICT and tourism, he noted.

The seminar brought together nearly 500 businesses from the two countries.