President Truong Tan Sang had bilateral meetings with leaders of some Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) member economies in Manila, the Philippines, on November 19 on the fringe of the APEC Summit.


Meeting with Papua New Guinean Prime Minister Peter O’Neill, he congratulated the country on recent socio-economic development attainments.

The leaders agreed on the need to commence soon negotiations on agreements to promote trade and investment in fields they have strength in like agriculture, rubber planting, wood processing, aquaculture, and oil and gas exploration and exploitation for the early signing.

Peter O’Neill shared the view that the two sides should increase mutual support and close coordination at multilateral forums, especially in 2017 and 2018 when Vietnam and Papua New Guinea will respectively host APEC events.

President Truong Tan Sang stressed that amidst the current complex security and development environment, countries need to continue enhancing dialogues and making all possible efforts in conformity with international law and common norms, including the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea.

These activities are instrumental to ensuring peace, stability and navigation and aviation security and safety, he noted, stressing the necessity to settle disputes peacefully and cooperate for development in Asia-Pacific, including Southeast Asia and the East Sea.

The Papua New Guinean PM shared the same view and voiced support for Vietnam’s stance.

Congratulating Justin Trudeau on his election as the PM of Canada, the Vietnamese leader affirmed that Vietnam has continually treasured its relations with Canada, asking both sides to work out measures boosting bilateral ties and effectively implement reached agreements.

Justin Trudeau said Vietnam is emerging as an important economic and trade partner of Canada, and his Government is willing to intensify the connections with Vietnam in economics, trade, investment, politics, diplomacy, ODA and education.

The two sides expressed their belief that the execution of the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement will open up bright prospects for bilateral trade activities and boost regional and global connectivity trend. They also touched upon regional and international issues of shared concern.

In the afternoon of November 18, President Truong Tan Sang had separate meetings with Bruneian Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah, President of the Republic of Korea Park Geun-hye, Chilean President M. Bachelet, Australian PM Malcolm Turnbull and Indonesian Vice President Jusuf Kalla.

The Vietnamese and Bruneian leaders concurred in strengthening cooperation in potential areas, including oil and gas. Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah spoke highly of Vietnam’s economic growth and hoped for a visit to the country to foster bilateral relations.

Meanwhile, President Truong Tan Sang and his counterpart Park Geun-hye rejoiced at the flourishing strategic partnership between Vietnam and the RoK and agreed to finalise domestic procedures to put the bilateral free trade agreement into force as soon as possible, thus augmenting their trade revenue.

He reached an agreement with President M. Bachelet on bolstering the effectiveness of Vietnam – Chile cooperation mechanisms and all-level delegation exchanges. The latter affirmed that her country advocates Vietnam’s organisation of APEC meetings in 2017 and will work closely with the Southeast Asian nation to successfully hold the events.

At another meeting, the Vietnamese State leader and Australian PM Malcolm Turnbull consented to solidify the two countries’ comprehensive partnership and work more closely at multilateral forums, especially those of ASEAN.

President Truong Tan Sang and Indonesian Vice President Jusuf Kalla agreed on the need to maintain all-level delegation exchanges to reinforce their nations’ strategic partnership. Jusuf Kalla also said Indonesia wants to import more rice from Vietnam.

Before leaving Manila for Hanoi in the evening of November 19, the President met with the staff of the Vietnamese Embassy in the Philippines.