President Tran Dai Quang has called on former US Secretary of State John Kerry to continue backing Vietnam-US relations, particularly in economic cooperation, trade, investment, education, science, technology, war aftermath alleviation, and climate change adaptation.


President Tran Dai Quang (R) shakes hands with former US Secretary of State John Kerry

During a reception for Kerry in Hanoi on June 21, President Quang said Vietnam-US ties have been developing positively as the US has had a new administration.

President Quang told Kerry that he and President Donald Trump exchanged letters on bilateral relations, in which President Trump promised to boost cooperation in economy, trade, investment as well as regional and international issues of mutual concern and join hands with Vietnam and regional countries in ensuring security and prosperity in the Asia-Pacific region on the basis of respecting international law.

The US President also affirmed his plan to attend the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Economic Leaders Meeting and pay an official visit to Vietnam, he said.

Having mentioned the Trump administration’s commitment to assist Vietnam in overcoming the war aftermaths, President Quang said Vietnam will continue helping the US search for its servicepersons missing in action and suggested Kerry supports Vietnam’s concerns, especially speeding up the detoxification of Bien Hoa airport, mine clearance, looking for missing Vietnamese soldiers and aiding war victims.

While acknowledging Kerry’s proposal on sustainable energy development in Vietnam, the President expected that, with its strength in clean and renewable energy, the US will continue cooperating and assisting Vietnam in the field.

For his part, Kerry said Vietnam’s policies are on the right track and expressed his expectation that Vietnam and the US will cooperate more closely in all sectors.

Kerry told his host that over the past 30 years, he has spared no effort to enhance Vietnam-US relations, and found that Vietnam became a typical economic model with high competitiveness. 

Meetings between the two countries’ senior leaders will contribute to promoting the bilateral relationship in the future, he added.