Vietnam wishes to strengthen partnership with Russia in an extensive and effective manner to bring benefits to both countries, stated President Tran Dai Quang at a reception for visiting Secretary of the Security Council of Russia General Nikolai Patrushev in Hanoi on July 25.


President Tran Dai Quang (R) welcomes Secretary of the Security Council of Russia General Nikolai Patrushev in Hanoi

The President said that during his visit to Russia on June this year, leaders of the two sides discussed major orientations and specific measures to beef up bilateral affiliation in the future, including fostering coordination in ensuring national security and coping with non-traditional security challenges.

He stressed that Vietnam highly values partnership with Russia in defence and security on the foundation of signed agreements as well as existing mechanisms such as cooperation deals between the Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of Defence of Vietnam and Russia’s Ministry of the Interior, Ministry of Defence, and Security Council.

He affirmed that Vietnam lauds the role of Russia in the Asian-Pacific region, as well as the country’s support for Russia’s enhanced role at regional security forums such as the East Asia Summit, the ASEAN Regional Forum, the ASEAN Defence Ministers’ Meeting Plus. Vietnam is also willing to coordinate closely with Russia at these forums, he added.

President Quang also stated that Vietnam hopes to strengthen cooperation with Russia in UN peacekeeping, while holding that the constructive engagement of Russia in the maintenance of peace, stability in the region as well as maritime security cooperation activities is important.

He proposed that Russia continue assisting Vietnam to train officials for Vietnam’s defence and security sectors.

General Nikolai Patrushev briefed his host on the outcomes of his talks with Minister of Public Security To Lam and his meeting with Defence Minister Ngo Xuan Lich.

On the occasion, he thanked Vietnam for sending a delegation to join the eighth international high-level security meeting in the Russian region of Tver in May and made positive contributions to the success of the event.

Security minister stresses need to beef up partnership with Russia

Minister of Public Security Sen. Lieut. Gen. To Lam (R) welcomes General Nikolai Patrushev, Secretary of the Security Council of the Russia Federation 

Minister of Public Security Sen. Lieut. Gen. To Lam has underlined the need to bolster security cooperation with Russia and promote its role as an important pillar of the Vietnam-Russia comprehensive strategic partnership.

During his talks with General Nikolai Patrushev, Secretary of the Security Council of the Russia Federation, in Hanoi on July 25, Lam proposed that the two sides coordinate closely in foiling all plots and sabotage acts of hostile forces and all types of crimes.

Both sides should ensure security and safety for their diplomatic representative offices and citizens in their respective countries, while strengthening exchange of information and mutual support at multilateral forums and international organisations, especially those on non-traditional security challenges, cyber security and terrorism prevention and combat, he said.

Sen. Lieut. Gen. To Lam said that in the coming time, the two sides should increase the exchange of delegations to effectively promote mutual understanding between Vietnam’s Ministry of Public Security and Russia’s Security Council Office in security, especially in areas of shared concern, including the risks and challenges threatening security and public order in each country as well as the region and the world.

Coordination outcomes between the two sides will help leaders of both countries to give suitable response to the risks and challenges, thus boosting the two countries’ cooperation in both bilateral and multilateral framework.

At the talks, Sen. Lieut. Gen. To Lam noted that the traditional relations between Vietnam and Russia have grown strongly through visits of senior leaders, including President Tran Dai Quang’s visit to Russia in June this year and the upcoming visit by President V. Putin to attend the APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting in this November.

Partnership between Vietnam’s Public Security Ministry and Russia’s Security Council Office has also developed through regular sharing of information and experience. On the foundation of the cooperation programme signed between the Ministry of Public Security of Vietnam and Ministry of the Interior of Russia for the 2016-2018 period, the two sides have coordinated closely in combating crimes, especially those related to high technology, drug and human trafficking.

For his part, General Nikolai Patrushev lauded the two countries’ sound political trust as well as close coordination and mutual support at international arena, while pledging to work hard to boost the growth of the bilateral strategic partnership in general and the cooperation between Vietnam’s Ministry of Public Security and Russia’s Security Council Office and other security agencies.

Following the talks, the two sides signed a memorandum of understanding between the Ministry of Public Security of Vietnam and the Ministry of the Interior of Russia on cooperation in preventing and combating the production, transport, trade, proliferation and abuse of new psychotropic substances. 

Vietnam, Russia intensify defence ties

Defence Minister General Ngo Xuan Lich (R) on July 25 ​and Secretary of Russia’s National Security Council Nikolai Patrushev 

Defence Minister General Ngo Xuan Lich on July 25 hosted a reception for Secretary of Russia’s National Security Council Nikolai Patrushev who is on a working visit to Vietnam. 

At the meeting, General Lich highlighted the fruitful development of the traditional friendship and comprehensive strategic partnership between Vietnam and Russia across fields, including cooperation in national security and defence. 

He also commented on the effective collaboration between the Vietnamese Ministry of National Defence and the Russian council. 

In reply, Nikolai Patrushev expressed his belief that the Vietnam-Russia relationship will be deepened, particularly in the field of national defence, following the spirit of a memorandum of understanding signed by the two countries in 2013.