Prime Minister Nguy​en Xu​an Ph​uc met with his Malaysian counterpart, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak on Aril 28 after arriving in Manila for the 30th ASEAN summit.


PM Nguyen Xuan Phuc (right) and his Malaysian counterpart

The two leaders expressed their pleasure at the development of the strategic partnership between the two countries and agreed to foster multifaceted cooperation.

They also committed to expand bilateral trade to 20 billion USD in 2020 from the current 11 billion USD.

Responding to Phuc’s request, Najib Razak said Malaysia will foster cooperation in halal food production and consider hiring more Vietnamese workers in areas where there is demand for such labour.

He also pledged that legal proceedings and trial of Vietnamese citizen Doan Thi Huong will be conducted in a fair and legal manner and her legitimate rights will be ensured.

The two leaders agreed to intensify joint work between the two armies in fighting pirates to ensure navigation safety in the region.

They were unanimous in maintaining consultation and close collaboration on building a united ASEAN and promoting the central role of ASEAN in tackling regional strategic issues, especially the East Sea issue.

The two sides stressed the importance of maintaining peace, stability, security and safety of maritime navigation and aviation, and agreed that disputes should be solved through peaceful means, on the basis of respect for international law, including the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) and other diplomatic and legal processes. They said they will also work closely towards a legally binding Code of Conduct for all involved parties in the East Sea.