Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc expressed his delight at the vigorous growth of the Vietnamese and Lao parliaments’ cooperation while meeting with Lao National Assembly Chairwoman Pany Yathotou in Hanoi on March 6.


Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc (R) receives Lao National Assembly Chairwoman Pany Yathotou on March 6

The PM applauded the two legislative bodies for their active information and experience exchange and good coordination in external activities, especially at regional and international parliamentary forums such as the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly and the Inter-Parliamentary Union.

He asked the two parliaments to increase supervision of and create optimal conditions for the countries’ investment cooperation projects, including Vietnamese investments in Laos.

PM Phuc said Vietnam always gives wholehearted support to the reform process and national defence and development in Laos.

Highlighting that Vietnam treasures the special solidarity with Laos, he noted the two countries have held regular delegation exchanges and worked together to tackle any problems arising in bilateral relations, resulting in positive outcomes of their cooperation over the recent past.

The Government leader suggested the two sides should continue enhancing relations across the fields while bolstering economic, trade and investment partnership to raise bilateral trade value by 10 percent in 2017.

He urged close coordination to seek solutions to problems in the implementation of joint projects, including the construction on a Hanoi-Vientiane expressway, upgrades to roads linking with the East-West Economic Corridor and other regional countries, and a potassium salt project in Laos’s Khammouane province. The two sides should also work more closely to carry out the two governments’ agreement on developing hydro-power projects in Laos and electricity trading by 2030, the Vietnamese leader said.

He also asked the parliaments to push relevant agencies in carrying out plans on activities marking the 55th founding anniversary of diplomatic ties, along with stepping up education about the two countries’ special solidarity to younger generations.

PM Phuc hopes that both sides will maintain mutual support at international and regional forums and mechanisms. They should also work to help intensify the ASEAN Community’s cooperation and connectivity process, boost the unity and central role of ASEAN, and maintain the bloc’s common voice in the region’s strategic issues, including the East Sea problem.

The Vietnamese Government and people will exert every effort to continue fostering the two countries’ great relationship, special solidarity and comprehensive cooperation, he added.

For her part, Chairwoman Pany Yathotou, who is on an official visit to Vietnam, spoke highly of the fruitful bilateral ties, particularly the outcomes of the recent meeting of the countries’ inter-governmental committee.

She noted with satisfaction that the two sides agreed to further solidify cooperation in politics, economy, trade, investment, security, education, and many other spheres. She hoped that the two governments’ close cooperation will create an important momentum for trade expansion in the time ahead.

The Lao legislative leader informed her host that during her talks with her Vietnamese counterpart Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan, both sides agreed to strengthen collaboration between the two parliaments and peoples, maintain mutual support in regional and international arenas. They were also unanimous in speeding up cooperation programmes and projects for the sake of their own interests, as well as peace and prosperity in the region and the world, Yathotou said.

Laos is amending its legal system so as to facilitate business and investment activities, including those of Vietnamese enterprises, she noted.

Yathotou also affirmed that leaders and people of her country will also work to promote special relations between the two Parties, States and peoples.