VietNamNet Bridge - The absence of research-oriented training, the low requirements for published scientific articles and paltry budget for scientific research have been cited to explain the low number and quality of internationally published articles in social sciences in Vietnam.


Ton Duc Thang University

Studies show that the number of international publications in the field of social sciences and humanities is quite low.

The problem also exists in leading research and training establishments in Vietnam, including the Hanoi National University, HCMC National University and the Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences (VASS).

The absence of research-oriented training, the low requirements for published scientific articles and paltry budget for scientific research have been cited to explain the low number and quality of internationally published articles in social sciences in Vietnam.

According to Huynh Thanh Dat, president of the HCMC National University, Vietnamese researchers have limited foreign language skills and poor techniques in presentations. 

In addition, they do not have many opportunities for international disciplinary exchange or much money for research.

Though the number of international publications has been increasing significantly, it still is not commensurate with the country’s great potential and strength in social sciences. Vietnam has many disciplinary science journals published by research institutes and universities, but none of them are part of the Scopus or ISI data systems.

The chair of VASS, Nguyen Quang Thuan, said that social sciences provide proof and scientific databases that serve the building of policies for sustainable development.

“International publications can provide knowledge and introduce Vietnam’s images to the region and the world, helping the world better understand Vietnam and promoting cooperation between Vietnam and other countries,” Thuan said.

“They affirm the scientific strength of the country. International publication and global integration in social sciences and humanities are urgently needed,” he said.

Dat from the HCMC National University also said that the modest number of international publications in social sciences was a disadvantage for the nation, because this affects Vietnam’s position and influences to the region and the world, and hinders the dissemination of Vietnam’s values, culture and role in internal and external affairs, and national sovereignty.

Sharing the same view, Pham Quang Minh, president of the Hanoi University of Social Sciences, said Vietnamese can not only protect the national sovereignty with strength and weapons, but also with knowledge and convincing proof about its sovereignty. 

Minh pointed out that the modest number of international publications in social sciences and humanities is attributed to the low capability of researchers, not political issued

“Having research works published internationally is the final stage of research activities. But this is a very important activity which can affirm the quality of research and the transparency of the sciences,” Minh said.


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