Minister of Home Affairs Le Vinh Tan suggested the Prime Minister assign administrative units to reduce personnel by 2 percent per year during a teleconference between the Government and localities on July 2. 


As they only streamlined 4.8 percent of staff in the past four year so in the next three years, it is necessary to cut down personnel by at least1.8 percent each year to achieve a 10 percent reduction goal in accordance with the Politburo’s Resolution No. 39, he said. 

The Ministry of Home Affairs (MoHA) will assign personnel quota to ministries, agencies, and localities on July 20, said Tan, adding that the PM should soon issue a decree on amendments and supplements to Decree No.108 on personnel streamline policy. 

He asked relevant ministries, agencies, and localities to promptly report to the MoHA so that it could offer advice to the Government to deal with the against-regulation personnel appointment, recruitment, and rotation activities. 

The ministry has so far received such reports from 15 ministries and 34 provinces. 

Regarding the rearrangement of administrative units at communal and district levels, Tan said a total of 637 communes in 16 districts need to be rearranged. 

Regarding the renovation of public administrative units, Finance Minister Dinh Tien Dung said that ministries, agencies, and localities remain slow in performing tasks that were assigned under the Government’s Decree No.16/2015/ND-CP regulating self-autonomy mechanisms in public administrative units and Decision No.695/QD-TTg on a plan to implement Decree No.16. 

Since February 2015, ministries have submitted two decrees on self-autonomy mechanisms in science-technology, economic cause, and other fields to the government for issuance. 

Six out of eight decrees on health care, high school and tertiary education, vocational training and communications and culture are yet to have been issued, which Dung says is too slow. 

If the progress remains at this pace, it will be hard to achieve goals in line with Resolution No. 20 adopted by the sixth plenum of the Party Central Committee, and therefore salary and social insurance reform goals are unlikely to be met, he said. 

He added that the Ministry of Finance (MoF) decided to dissolve 42 transaction offices, equivalent to provincial branches, of the State Treasury from June 1, 2018. 

The Finance Minister pledged to cut half of 548 taxation branches between now and 2020, asking localities to partner with the MoF to rearrange financial agencies, thus ensuring their effective operation. -VNA