The Bac Kan City People’s Procuracy offered a public apology today to a woman who had previously been unjustly prosecuted.

The Bac Kan City People’s Procuracy offered a public apology to Pham Thi Lan, who was unjustly prosecuted before.

The procedural document showed the Bắc Kạn Police busted a gambling operation on 24 December 2013. The police began legal proceedings against 21 people in the case, including Pham Thi Lan. The police also banned Lan from moving out of her living home.

A day later, Hoang Anh Phương, one of the gamblers, admitted to police that he gambled with many people, including Lan.

When they checked Phương’s mobile phone, the police discovered Lan’s telephone number and messages in which Lan discussed gambling with Phuong.

The police proposed that the people’s procuracy begin legal proceedings against Lan for gambling. But Lan kept saying she had suffered a miscarriage of justice.

Lan said the telephone number saved on Phương’s mobile phone was hers. But she owned a grocery where she often kept her phone, so she did not know who used her phone to send Phương messages related to gambling.

The Bac Kan People’s Procuracy prosecuted Lan in December 2014. But during the trial, the Procuracy discovered unresolved questions. After a subsequent investigation, the Bac Kan People’s Procuracy did not find enough evidence proving Lan violated the law.