Authorities in the central province of Quang Binh has vowed to strictly punish officials in Trung Thon Village for taking donations given to local people after the recent floods.


Trung Thon villagers complained that they had their money taken away after being supported

The case was revealed after people in Trung Thon Village sent complaints to the media that the local authorities had confiscated donations they had received. The village is located by Gianh River and was heavily ravaged by the recent flood.

According to local people, on October 22, a charity group from Ho Chi Minh City visited 40 poor households in the village and gave VND500,000 (USD23) as gifts to each household.

Before the visit, the group had contacted the local authorities to ask for a list of 40 poorest families and what losses they had experienced during the floods. When the group left, local officials went to each household, saying that they had to contribute VND400,000 (USD18) to help other people.

"I think this is unreasonable so I didn't give them a thing," said Le Vu Thanh, who is taking care of his disabled and mentally-ill mother. However, Thanh said his family was threatened that they would not be included in future relief efforts.

Le Van Luan, vice head of the village admitted that they collected the money from the people, and explained that they would re-distribute it so that everyone was supported the same.


Le Van Luan, vice head of the village

Trung Thon Village has 480 households in which 40 are poor. The village suffered VND2.5bn (USD112,000) in damage after floods swept away rice, poultry and livestock. Since then, 16 charity groups have visited and provided support to the residents in the village.

Quang Binh Province Chairman Nguyen Huu Hoai said he had been reported about the case. He said, "If this is proved to be true then all involved officials will be fired immediately."

Authorities of Ba Don Town also directed relevant agencies to investigate and deal with this case. Heads of Trung Thon Village were asked to return the money to the residents and report to the Ba Don Town People's Committee.
