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Focus on propaganda so that ethnic minority workers boldly register to work abroad under contract.

Party committees at all levels, associations and unions of districts and communes in the central province of Quang Ngai have focused on propaganda to encourage ethnic minority workers to boldly register to work abroad with official contracts. As a result, many young ethnic minorities have registered to learn foreign language to work overseas.

Chairman of the People's Committee of Ba To district Pham Xuan Vinh said that thanks to the program of sending workers abroad, many local families have had money to repair or build new houses, purchase appliances and invest in production and business to change their lives.

In Tra Bong district, the local authorities have also directed relevant agencies to establish working teams to go to each household with family members at the working age to diffuse the State and the province's policies on supporting young people from ethnic minorities and mountainous areas to work abroad.

According to statistics, in 2022 and the first 6 months of 2023, Tra Bong district had 57 people working abroad with official contracts. At present, 45 people are studying foreign languages at the Provincial Employment Service Center before going overseas to work.

Quang Ngai province has been focusing on implementing Project 4 on developing vocational education and sustainable employment under the National Target Program for sustainable poverty reduction in the period of 2021 - 2025, which consists of subproject 2 on supporting workers working abroad under official contracts. The goal is to send about 1,000 workers, including 300 workers in the mountainous districts, to work abroad in 2023.

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