Authorities of the northern province of Quang Ninh on Monday denied rumours that the local administration in Mong Cai City had demolished Tra Co Church.


Ngo Hoang Ngan, secretary of Mong Cai City’s Party Committee, said that church authorities themselves broke down the structure on March 9.

Relations between the local administration and religious organisations in the locality are good and authorities ensure that the environment is conducive for the activities of religious organisations, Ngan added.

Priest Ngo Van Vang, head of Tra Co parish, on Monday clarified that the church had been demolished as it was old and dilapidated, and that a new one would be built in its place.

Officials were forced to issue statements after distorted information was published on a number of social networking sites, especially Facebook, showing the demolition of Tra Co Church and statements that local authorities had broken down the church.