Mr. Tran Cong Nga and his wife - Tran Thi The, experienced lotus growers in Kim Lien Commune, Nam Dan District, have shared their recent discovery with VietNamNet.

While harvesting early morning lotuses nearly a week ago in Lien Hong Hamlet, they found a pair of Quan Am lotuses. Initially, the buds were the size of a toe, and now they have fully bloomed.

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The rare Quan Am lotus pair discovered in Nghe An. Photo: Tran The

The rare twin lotuses are located in a Quan Am lotus pond covering about 200 square meters, surrounded by rice fields. The lotus stems reach about 1 meter in height, each with two large flowers over 20 centimeters in diameter, growing near the edge of the pond amidst wild grasses.

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The Quan Am twin lotus after a week in bloom. Photo: Quoc Huy
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The petals of the Quan Am lotus pair transit from green to white. Photo: Quoc Huy

The lotus stems stand about 1-meter-tall, each bearing two large flowers with a diameter of over 20 centimeters. The petals of the Quan Am lotus pair start green and gradually turn white as they bloom. The flowers typically take 6-7 days to bloom fully and last for 3-4 days before wilting.

This year, the couple planted over 3 hectares of various lotus species, including Quan Am, Bach Diep Ho Tay, Bi Ngan, Hong Canh Don Dong Thap, and Tho Cam. The harvest season begins in early May and lasts for about two months, with additional plantings ensuring blooms in September and October.

The harvested lotuses are primarily used for visitors to the Kim Lien Special National Relic. They are also sold to locals for use during festivals and special occasions.

According to Ms. The, this is the first Quan Am twin lotus to appear this year in the area, making it an extremely rare sight among the numerous lotus ponds in Kim Lien, Hoang Tru, and surrounding areas. 

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The Quan Am twin lotus holds a special place in the hearts of the locals, symbolizing good luck, beauty, and the wonders of nature.

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Lotus ponds are in full bloom during the hot weather in Nghe An province. Photos by Quoc Huy

The presence of the Quan Am twin lotus is considered a symbol of good fortune and blessings. A popular folk song highlights the unique nature of the twin lotus: “When will we be a pair, like the twin lotus with one stem and two flowers.” The Quan Am lotus, known for its long lifespan, has succulent leaves, and its unique shape symbolizes purity and elegance.

Last year, there were three Bach Diep, one Quan Am, one Nghin Canh, one Dong Thap, and a Quan Am lotus pond with 14 twin lotuses bloom reported in the area.

Quoc Huy