Many people in the south-western region are flocking to fields for rat hunting which can help to improve their income.   

This time of the year is seen as the ideal time to hunt rats as ripened paddy fields have been harvested, forcing rats to leave their holes, making it easier for people to catch them.  

Every day, each person can catch 3-5 kilos of rats by working hard. Each kilo of rat is sold at VND80,000 (USD3.63) at local markets, meaning hunters can earn up to around VND400,000 per day.    

Rat meat has become a speciality of many tourist destinations and restaurants. It can be used to make different kinds of dishes. 


There are several ways to catch rats, including setting traps, using arrows or dogs and even sling-shots.  


Children also join the rat-catching 


Digging rat holes 






Rats brought to be sold 


Rat meat is seen the best at the flooding season

Nguoi Lao Dong/Dtinews