Middlemen and real estate brokers are making false offers for houses and lands around Long Thanh Airport project, Dong Nai Province, to trick buyers.


Advertising boards can be seen along the Highway 51 that runs through Loc An and Binh Son communes. On Road 769, there are even "real estate cafes" where brokers gather to promote their products and consult buyers.

An advertising board claims that they have land that is only 1km away from the airport project but adjacent to the Long Thanh District People's Committee's headquarters which are dozens of kilometres away from the airport. When being questioned, a seller said the land was 5km away from the airport and next to Phuoc Thai Commune People's Committee.

Cat, a broker, said, "This is a good time to buy because the prices are still cheap. You can re-sell the house and land at much higher prices when the market heats up."

He went on to promote a land next to the supposed airport's entrance, saying that their lands are in the 21,000 hectare area planned for the airport. He also said half of their land lots had been sold at VND500m for 100 square metres but now buyers have to go around a cemetery to reach a deserted area.   

In Long Thanh District, many brokers open offices and use a fake Long Thanh Airport plan and Long Thanh District urban plans, to trick buyers.

Truong Van Phuong, head of Long Thanh Department of Natural Resources and Environment said in April, Dong Nai Provincial authorities ordered to halt all land division activities to wait for regulation on the minimum land size. The latest deadline is this August.

"This move is applied to prevent rampant land division activities," he said. "Spontaneous land division and road buildings are urgent problems. Many people believe the urban planning maps provided by the brokers."

Phuong said they had only had plans for a D2D residential area, a resettlement area, a dormitory for the workers from Loc An-Binh Son Industrial Zone. The spontaneous real estate transactions in this area will ruin the plan and buyers may lose their money. Buyers should ask for information from the authorities.
