Companies, restaurants, convenience stores and supermarkets are busy recruiting more part-time employees for New Year and Tết (the Lunar New Year) holidays.


Companies, restaurants and supermarkets in HCM City are recruiting more part-time employees to meet demand for the Christmas, New Year and Lunar New year holiday period.

Speaking at a recent job fair held in HCM City, Trần Anh Tuấn, vice director of the city’s Centre of Forecasting Manpower Needs and Labour Market Information (FALMI), said that many companies increase production to meet demands during the holiday season and Tết, which falls in early February.

The demand for part-time employees rises at the end of the year due to the heavy workload and the large number of customers at that time, according to Nguyễn Thành Đạt, floor supervisor for CGV Hùng Vương Plaza cinema.

“The cinema always recruits part-time employees to back up their official staff who are off during the season,” Đạt said.

Most of these employees are students who work jobs such as ticket sellers and food court staff. Many of them receive on-the-job training.

In addition, part-time employees often continue to work after the holidays.

Nguyễn Hữu Luân, 19, who works for the Queen Plaza restaurant in District 10, said there would be many weddings and year-end parties during the holiday season.

To meet demand, the restaurant needs a large number of part-time employees.

Most employees are university students who can easily adapt to a working schedule of a restaurant, Luân said.

If the employees work on the days near Tết, they will receive double their normal wage, Luân said, adding that he began his job last year during the holiday season.

The HCM City employment service centres said the average wage would range from VNĐ150,000 to VNĐ300,000 per day for part-time jobs.

A report from FALMI said that in the last three months of the year, the city had created 70,000 jobs, including 30,000 part-time jobs, such as customer service, delivery and packaging.

These jobs do not require high qualifications, so students and young people can easily meet the requirements of employers.

Mã Đức Huy, 23, a part-time worker at the Saigon Exhibition and Convention Centre in District 7, said from now to Lunar New Year, the centre would host many exhibitions and events, which will give him a chance to earn more income.

For each event or exhibition, he can earn VNĐ1.3 million (US$55) to VNĐ1.7 million ($72).

“At the end of the year, my friends and I always look for part-time jobs on recruiting websites such as and,” Huy said. — VNS