American rapper Redfoo is due to visit Vietnam for YAN Beatfest 2016 scheduled to take place in Ho Chi Minh City in late November.

redfoo’s performance slated for late november hinh 0

Redfoo, also known as Stefan Kendal Gordy, is a former member of American electronic dance music (EDM) duo LMFAO.  He formed the duo with his nephew Sky Blu in 2006 and they released two studio albums before going solo in 2013.

LMFAO was best remembered for its songs ‘Party Rock Anthem’ and ‘Sexy and I know it’.

This year, Beatfest 2016 is expected to attract the participation of well-known Vietnamese DJs and singers, including Slim V, Touliver, Daniel Mastro, King Lady, Ung Hoang Phuc, Ho Quang Hieu, Bao Thy, Vu Cat Tuong, Big Daddy, Mr Tee, and Min.

The YAN Beatfest debuted in 2014 and drew a large audience of up to 50,000 members who rocked to the music during 10 hours on end.

Apart from music, the festival will also offer a clutch of other entertainment and shopping activities.

Celebrated American singer/actress Demi Lovato and famous British singer Shayne Ward also attended similar events in 2014 and 2015, respectively.