Representatives from ASEAN and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) have met to discuss stronger cooperation in managing border areas and preventing border issues.



Advisor to Thai Justice Minister SomchaiSeanglai and Aldo Lale-Demoz, Deputy Executive Director of the UNODC, co-chaired the high-level meeting aimed at forging closer cooperation in border management and tighten connectivity, security and safety within the ASEAN region. 

Participants together considered directions for tackling transnational crimes, border problems and drug trafficking, all of which have been receiving priority from Thailand and ASEAN. 

They acknowledged the need for these issues to be addressed in a more systematic manner, thus raising public awareness and intensifying border control with harsher penalties for law violations. 

The meeting was expected to enhance the regional mechanism for border management, effectively solve existing problems and pave the way for regional security. Suggestions from the gathering will also be compiled for consideration at the 17th ASEAN Senior Officials Meeting on Transnational Crime to be held in Laos later this year.