Đại gia miền Tây đeo 50 cây vàng: Tôi không khoe mẽ, đây là sở thích

Mr. Loi sparked a stir in the internet community by wearing more than 50 taels of gold.


His beliefs in feng shui

The image of a man wearing a lot of gold on his body and driving a gleaming gold-plated luxury auto has caused quite a stir on social media in recent days.

His gold jewelry is enormous in size and weight. They are all intricately created and stylish.

Mr. Pham Van Loi is 39 years old and lives in Chau Phu district, An Giang province. He claimed that all of his jewelry was genuine gold. Each piece is weighted and carved in a unique design.

“I don't want to announce the weight of each item of jewelry I'm wearing so that many people who don't understand will debate it. If you're a connoisseur of gold, you'll understand its worth," Loi remarked.

Mr. Loi began wearing hefty gold jewelry three years ago.

Previously, he solely wore ivory-crafted items. However, after a while, he realized that these objects were not bringing him luck.

Đại gia miền Tây đeo 50 cây vàng: Tôi không khoe mẽ, đây là sở thích

The gold jewelry he wears on his body is large and heavy.

“I don't want to announce the weight of each item of jewelry I'm wearing so that many people who don't understand will debate it. If you're a connoisseur of gold, you'll understand its worth," Loi remarked.

Mr. Loi began wearing hefty gold jewelry three years ago.

Previously, he solely wore ivory-crafted items. However, after a while, he realized that these objects were not bringing him luck.

Đại gia miền Tây đeo 50 cây vàng: Tôi không khoe mẽ, đây là sở thích

They are also carved and fashioned in a sophisticated and sophisticated manner.


He began to wear jewelry composed of valuable stones. To obtain the stones he desired, he sought and collected in stores and even went to the auction forums.

“My interest in stones just dwindled, so I switched to wearing gold,” he explained. I've discovered that wearing gold has helped my business. I continue to purchase gold jewelry in greater and heavier sizes, believing that it brings good luck and is in harmony with feng shui.”

“I fell in love with this enormous, substantial weight gold jewelry the more I used it. I make all of the jewelry I wear based on my own design and tastes. I currently have a dragon pendant with 9 rubies,” he continued.

Đại gia miền Tây đeo 50 cây vàng: Tôi không khoe mẽ, đây là sở thích

In particular, he owns a dragon pendant encrusted with nine gems.


Once impoverished

After three years, the number of pieces of jewelry he wears has totaled over 50 taels of 18K gold. Mr. Loi's love of gold may be seen in the items he regularly wears.

He gilded the whole frame of his fancy automobile and vintage motorcycle as soon as he could. He always wears a huge jewelry set and drives a gleaming gold-plated luxury automobile as he goes out.

His image has left others around him feeling overwhelmed, intrigued, and even conflicted.

“I enjoy wearing gold so much that I wear it all the time,” Loi said. I only take them off when I go home and while doing house chores. People who noticed me wearing a lot of gold were first intrigued, came to question, and asked to take a photo with me. Others believe I'm wearing phony gold.”


Đại gia miền Tây đeo 50 cây vàng: Tôi không khoe mẽ, đây là sở thích

Loi barely removes his gold jewelry. He wears it everywhere he goes.




Đại gia miền Tây đeo 50 cây vàng: Tôi không khoe mẽ, đây là sở thích

Mr. Loi spent a significant amount of money to gild his fancy automobile.


 “Some people even claim I wear gold to flaunt it, to try to stand out. However, I wear gold out of passion and for feng shui reasons. I always believe that if you are enthusiastic, you should pursue whatever you want since no one knows what the future holds. As a result, I just wear it and don't care what people think or say about me,” he explained.

Mr. Loi said that people who believe he wears imitation gold, works illegally to get money, and ‘shows off’ in this manner are just mistaken. Mr. Loi was formerly a poor man before becoming this well off.

Later, as South American lizard farming grew in popularity, he began to study and invest his money. This unusual animal's business thrived, providing him with a steady source of income.

Mr. Loi, being financially capable, does business in a variety of other services in addition to selling lizards. “How I live and conduct business is known well by the local government,” he said.

 “I've been wearing this much gold for three years and it's all real gold. I am prepared to offer all of my things to anyone who can prove that an item I am wearing is made of false gold.”

“I don't wear it to acquire popularity or to show off but mostly for personal pleasure, so there's obviously no need to fake it,” he explained.


Đại gia miền Tây đeo 50 cây vàng: Tôi không khoe mẽ, đây là sở thích

He has also gilded a vintage motorcycle's chassis with various features.




Đại gia miền Tây đeo 50 cây vàng: Tôi không khoe mẽ, đây là sở thích

Mr. Loi says that wearing gold is his passion; hence, he is unconcerned about other people's opinions and judgments.


Ha Nguyen

Snack-shop owner gains gave by wearing jewelry worth 50 taels of gold

Snack-shop owner gains gave by wearing jewelry worth 50 taels of gold

Wearing more than 50 taels of gold on his body, Thuan says his neck is sore and his hands numb. But he dare not remove the jewelry.

Foreign news site writes about An Giang man who loves to wear gold jewelry

Foreign news site writes about An Giang man who loves to wear gold jewelry

Fond of wearing jewelry made from 50 taels of gold, an An Giang man has spent hundreds of millions to gild his car.