Doctors from the Republic of Korea (RoK) will continue the “Change Life” programme, which provides free cosmetic surgery for young Vietnamese people with facial defects, said Dr. Chon Yong-hun, Vice President of the Vietnam-RoK Friendship Association.


Vietnamese Ambassador to the RoK Nguyen Vu Tu pose for a photo with participants of the "Change Life" programme

During an interview granted to Seoul-based Vietnam News Agency correspondent, he said he and his colleagues have decided to implement the programme to help Vietnamese young people with facial defects to have brighter future.

The humanitarian programme contributed to promoting the two countries’ people-to-people exchange.

Vietnamese Ambassador to the RoK Nguyen Vu Tu said the charity programme will foster the stronger relationship between Vietnam and the RoK. He also voiced his hope that the programme will be expanded so that more Vietnamese people will receive free surgery in the future.

The programme has so far provided surgery for nine Vietnamese youths.-VNA