VietNamNet Bridge – Illegal occupation of sidewalks, robbery, administrative reform, and food safety are among the problems many people expect that the newly-appointed Party Secretary Dinh La Thang can solve quickly.

8 'đơn đặt hàng' của người dân gửi Bí thư Thăng

Flood: Seventy-seven roads and thousands of houses in Saigon were submerged over 1 m deep after the downpour on September 15, 2015. 

"Every time there are high tides in Saigon or in the rainy season, people have to struggle with traffic congestion and floods. We hope that Mr. Dinh La Thang can solve this problem," a reader wrote.

The people living in an alley on Ap Chien Luoc Road, Binh Tri Dong Ward, Binh Tan District had to use a raft to move after a downpour last September.

8 'đơn đặt hàng' của người dân gửi Bí thư Thăng

Damaged roads. Last year, although it was repeatedly repaired, Mai Chi Tho Road in District 2 kept sinking. Motorcyclists were afraid of accidents while truck drivers were afraid of broken tires.

Many sections of the Hanoi Highway and some roads in Cu Chi District are in a similar situation.

The poor quality of new roads is a problem in the city. Local residents hope that Mr. Thang will inspect roads in HCM City to have measures to deal with the situation.





8 'đơn đặt hàng' của người dân gửi Bí thư Thăng

Traffic congestion is also a huge matter of Saigon, which has not been solved for many years.





8 'đơn đặt hàng' của người dân gửi Bí thư Thăng

Robbery: Local people also expect that Mr. Thang will quickly improve street security and order because street robbery has become the fear of many people.



8 'đơn đặt hàng' của người dân gửi Bí thư Thăng

Food safety is another issue.

Poor quality pork pies were detected at a food processing facility in Thu Duc District last year.

“Poor quality food of unclear origin is harming the health of the people. We wish Party Secretary Thang to take tough sanctions on those who sell such food,” a reader said.


8 'đơn đặt hàng' của người dân gửi Bí thư Thăng


Administrative reform. HCM City people desire administrative procedures to be streamlined.

People conduct necessary procedures to get identity cards at the HCM City police bureau.

Local people expect that administrative procedures will be simpler.




8 'đơn đặt hàng' của người dân gửi Bí thư Thăng

The shortage of safe water. People in some areas in the suburban districts such as Can Gio, Binh Chanh, Cu Chi, and Nha Be have not been supplied with tap water yet. They have to use rain water or water from canals.

Hundreds of households in Truong Thanh Ward, District 9 have to take water from drains and then use alum to make the water clear to use.



8 'đơn đặt hàng' của người dân gửi Bí thư Thăng

Illegal use of the sidewalks is another problem. In the picture: a fashion shop on Cong Hoa Street, Tan Binh District occupies the sidewalk.

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