Residents in Yen Ho Commune even stay overnight to catch sandworms in Duc Tho and Nghi Xuan districts, despite the cold and rainy weather.

Tran Dinh Hai from Yen Ho Commune said that sandworms usually appear on the first days of the month or the 15th day of the month during the flooding season. Despite the hard work, his family can earn quite a lot of money.

Nguyen Tien Cuong, another local resident, said that a kilo of sandworm is sold at around VND500-600,000 (USD20.16-24.19) per kilo. He has caught three kilos of sandworm a night, giving him an income of VND1.5 million.

The sandworm season lasts between the 9th and 10th lunar months and the best time for hunting is in the evening.


Nets are often used to catch sandworms. 

Some families can catch up to 20 kilos per night.

According to Nguyen Thi Yen, her family has earned VND5 million a day thanks to sandworms.

Sandworms are good for health and can be made into various dishes, including sandworm omelettes. Sandworms can be combined with some types of vegetables to be fried or used for soup.


Source: Dtinews